how do I extract part of a cell of string values?

31 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Susan Santiago
Susan Santiago el 18 de Sept. de 2018
Comentada: Christopher Wallace el 18 de Sept. de 2018
I have a 1x144 cell of string values all with 12 numbers like '201808250100'. I want to extract a cell of just the last four numbers of each value. Any help with this would be appreciated

Respuestas (2)

Christopher Wallace
Christopher Wallace el 18 de Sept. de 2018
You could use a cell function.
cellfun(@(x) x(end-3:end), your_var, 'UniformOutput', false)
  2 comentarios
Paolo el 18 de Sept. de 2018
Mind that Susan mentioned she is working with a cell array of strings, and not character vectors.
Christopher Wallace
Christopher Wallace el 18 de Sept. de 2018
Yes, Susan said that she had a cell of strings, not a character array which cellstr is meant to convert.

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Paolo el 18 de Sept. de 2018
You could loop over it:
arr = {"201808250100","201808250104"}
cellfun(@(x) x(end-3:end),f,'un',0)
ans =
1×2 cell array
{'0100'} {'0104'}


Más información sobre Characters and Strings en Help Center y File Exchange.


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