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Error when using external mode on a Simscape model

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Matthieu GATINE
Matthieu GATINE el 5 de Dic. de 2018
Respondida: Riya Bansal el 31 de Mayo de 2022
I'm trying to run a Matlab function on a Arduino Uno to control a Simscape model. I've deploy my Function into my Arduino and run the model in external mode but I have this error message :
" Unable to generate code for model 'test_embded' because target specified in 'ert.tlc -aInlineSetEventsForThisBaseRateFcn=TLC_FALSE -aSuppressMultiTaskScheduler=TLC_FALSE -aRateBasedStepFcn=1' does not support Simscape model"
Does anyone know how to solve this ?
Thank you

Respuestas (1)

Riya Bansal
Riya Bansal el 31 de Mayo de 2022
Did you get this answer? I am facing the same problem now.


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