How to find the optimum intercept by fixing the gradient as a fit to experimental data?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I have a set of experimental data that share the relationship: y = A.x^n
I plot my data log y vs log x. The gradient is n and intercept is log(A) which I can obtain from the polyfit function.
I now want to fix the value of n and find the most optimum value of A by some kind of least squares algorithm with respect to the experimental data.
What is the best way to do this?
Thank you

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Torsten el 15 de En. de 2019
Editada: Torsten el 15 de En. de 2019
Use polyfit to fit a polynomial of degree 0 against log(y) - n*log(x) and take exp() of the result.
This gives you optimal A for given n.
Solution is
A = exp( mean( log(y) - n*log(x) ) )
  2 comentarios
HaAgain el 15 de En. de 2019
Yes! That makes a lot of sense based on analytical solution.
thank you
Torsten el 15 de En. de 2019
Editada: Torsten el 16 de En. de 2019
A = sum(x.^n.*y)/sum(x.^(2*n))
for the original equation.

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