Sort struct fields by their length
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Hi everyone,
i have a struct of N fields in random order, each one is composed by an array Nx1. What i need to do is to sort the order of fields by their lengths, so that the first field would be the longest one and the last filed would be the shortest one.
Can anyone help me?
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Respuestas (3)
el 20 de Mzo. de 2019
% MAke structure for demo
S = struct ;
for i = 1:10
S(i).val = rand(randsample(100,1),1) ;
%% Gt lengths of each structure fields
L = zeros(length(S),1) ;
for i = 1:length(S)
L(i) = length(S(i).val) ;
% sort into order
[L,idx] = sort(L) ;
S = S(idx) ; % arrange
1 comentario
el 20 de Mzo. de 2019
Try this:
% Create myStruct with Alphabet Fields and add random 1XN array to the
% fields
fieldList = cellstr(('a':'z')')';
for i = 1:numel(fieldList)
myStruct.(fieldList{i}) = rand(1,randi(30));
%% Sorting starts here
myCell = struct2cell(myStruct); % convert to cell array
lenghtofFields = cellfun(@length,myCell,'UniformOutput',false); % get the lengths
[vals,orders] = sort(cell2mat(lenghtofFields),'descend'); % get the orders from sorted lenght
structFieldNames = fieldnames(myStruct); %get your struct's fieldnames (I could use fieldList but you can avoid above creation section)
NewStructwithOrderedFields = orderfields(myStruct,structFieldNames(orders)); % order fields according to orders array
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Alex Mcaulley
el 20 de Mzo. de 2019
Another option: = rand(1,10);
a.two = rand(1,15);
a.three = rand(1,8);
a.four = rand(1,12);
[~,idx] = sort(structfun(@numel,a),'descend')
a = orderfields(a, idx);
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