syntax to pass x0 values (for fsolve) from constant blocks to interpreted matlab function

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
i use a interpeted matlab function to do fsolve inside simulink and i used constant blocks with a mux to supply the needed parameters.
is there a possibility to do the same with x0? if yes, what would the syntax be? i tried x0=[u(5),u(6),u(7)] or just [u(5),u(6),u(7)], but none of them seems to work.
fsolve(@(x)myfun(x,u(1),u(2),u(3),u(4)),x0,optimset('MaxFunEvals', 100, 'FunValCheck', 'on','MaxIter', 800000,'TolX', 1e-60,'TolFun', 1e-60))
best regards

Respuestas (1)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind el 2 de Ag. de 2012
You should probably create a wrapper function that has the two lines:
function y = callFsolve(u)
y = fsolve(@(x)myfun(x,u(1),u(2),u(3),u(4)),x0,optimset('MaxFunEvals', 100, 'FunValCheck', 'on','MaxIter', 800000,'TolX', 1e-60,'TolFun', 1e-60));
And then call callFsolve(u) from the block dialog. If it still doesn't work, you could set a breakpoint in your code to see what it going wrong.


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