Calculate minimum distance between points in a mesh
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mitja jancic
el 24 de Abr. de 2019
Comentada: KSSV
el 28 de Dic. de 2019
Assuming I have N points in a unit 2 or 3 dimensional box. How do I find the two points that are the closest and possible plot a circle around them?
So I am starting with randomly distributed points in 2D space:
A = rand(20, 2);
x = A(:, 1); % x coordinates
y = B(:, 2); % y coordinates
Now I want to find the minimum distance, print it and plot a circle around the two points to somehow mark them.
1 comentario
David Wilson
el 24 de Abr. de 2019
Editada: David Wilson
el 24 de Abr. de 2019
I assume you mean A(:,2) above. You could try pdist from the stats toolbox.
Something like:
A = rand(20, 2);
x = A(:, 1); % x coordinates
y = A(:, 2); % y coordinates
D = pdist(A);
D = squareform(D);
D = D + max(D(:))*eye(size(D)); % ignore zero distances on diagonals
[minD,idx] = min(D(:));
hold on
plot(x(c), y(c), 'r*')
% Now plot a circle around the two points
c = [mean(x(c)), mean(y(c))]; % centerpoint
r = minD/2;
t = linspace(0,2*pi);
xc = r*exp(1j*t);
plot(real(xc)+c(:,1), imag(xc)+c(:,2),'r-')
hold off
axis equal

Respuesta aceptada
el 24 de Abr. de 2019
A = rand(20, 2);
x = A(:, 1); % x coordinates
y = A(:, 2); % y coordinates
d = pdist2(A,A) ;
% Get minimum distance
d(d==0) = NaN ;
[val,idx] = min(d(:)) ;
[i,j] = ind2sub(size(d),idx) ;
% plot circle
C = [mean(x([i j])) mean(y([i j]))] ;
R = val ;
th = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
xc = C(1)+R*cos(th) ;
yc = C(2)+R*sin(th) ;
hold on
2 comentarios
el 28 de Dic. de 2019
may I ask, how can we determine the minimum distance between two points in (one) each triangular element (3 nodes) in a very efficient way in Matlab?
el 28 de Dic. de 2019
YOu may get your required code from this toolbox, try out.
Más respuestas (1)
el 24 de Abr. de 2019
Here is one way:
points = rand(20, 2); %demo data
distance = hypot(points(:, 1) - points(:, 1).', points(:, 2) - points(:, 2).'); %distance between all points
distance(logical(tril(ones(size(distance))))) = Inf; %point below diagonal are symmetric of upper triangle. Also remove diagonal from minimum search
[mindistance, location] = min(distance(:));
[point1, point2] = ind2sub(size(distance), location);
fprintf('minimum distance of %g between point %d and %d\n', mindistance, point1, point2)
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