If conditions for matrices with different length
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el 27 de Jun. de 2019
Comentada: Alex Mcaulley
el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Hello MatLab users,
i found some edits to this topic but my code is still not running and a for-loop with if-condition causes "Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values".
A and B have to be compared for equality while C has to be "1".
Conditions are:
T1.A == T2.A
T1.B == T2.B
T1.C == 1
than T2.Output = 1
else T2.Output = 0
T1.A = [01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 03-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 03-Jan-2019 00:00:00]
T1.B = [1; 1; 2; 2; 2; 1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 1; 1]
T1.C = [0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0]
T2.A = [01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 01-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 02-Jan-2019 00:00:00; 03-Jan-2019 00:00:00]
T2.B = [1; 2; 1; 2; 1]
Output should be:
T2.Output = [0; 1; 1; 0; 1]
3 comentarios
el 28 de Jun. de 2019
@Dixi: please stop editing your question so that the answers no longer make any sense. Your original data was valid numeric data, but what you have just have replaced them with are not valid MATLAB syntax, so are not very useful for anyone. If you decide that you want to give the correct datetime arrays then simply upload your data in one mat file, by clicking the paperclip button.
Respuesta aceptada
Alex Mcaulley
el 28 de Jun. de 2019
I think you mean this (Note that the second element of T2 doesn't meet your conditions! as you posted as the expected output):
T2.Output = ismember([T2.A,T2.B,ones(numel(T2.A),1)],[T1.A,T1.B,T1.C],'rows');
ans =
5×1 logical array
5 comentarios
Alex Mcaulley
el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Or just using datenum:
T2.Output = ismember([datenum(T2.A),T2.B,ones(numel(T2.A),1)],[datenum(T1.A),T1.B,T1.C],'rows');
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