How to check SVM model?

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Le Truong An
Le Truong An el 7 de Jul. de 2019
Comentada: Le Truong An el 9 de Jul. de 2019
Hi everyone,
I need your help for my project.
I have already built an SVM model for classification with 4 labels. The SVM model worked very well. Accuracy classification reaches more than 90%.
However, when I want to check the model with new data ( new data = the original data through an AWGN channel having a 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The classification result is always less than 30% accuracy.
I don't know why despite trying so many ways. Pls help me!!!
My code is as follows:
%% preparing data
load('mydata.mat') % including 200 observers and 120 features, 4 labels
output = grp2idx(Y);
rand_num = randperm(size(X,1));
% training data set 70%, test set 30%,
X_train = X(rand_num(1:round(0.7*length(rand_num))),:);
y_train = output(rand_num(1:round(0.7*length(rand_num))),:);
X_test = X(rand_num(round(0.7*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
y_test = output(rand_num(round(0.7*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
%% Train a classifier
% This code specifies all the classifier options and trains the classifier.
template = templateSVM(...
'KernelFunction', 'linear', ...
'PolynomialOrder', [], ...
'KernelScale', 'auto', ...
'BoxConstraint', 1, ...
'Standardize', true)
Mdl = fitcecoc(...
X_train, ...
y_train, ...
'Learners', template, ...
'Coding', 'onevsall',...
%% Perform cross-validation
partitionedModel = crossval(Mdl, 'KFold', 10);
% Compute validation predictions
[validationPredictions, validationScores] = kfoldPredict(partitionedModel);
% Compute validation accuracy
validation_error = kfoldLoss(partitionedModel, 'LossFun', 'ClassifError'); % validation error
validationAccuracy = 1 - validation_error;
%% test model
oofLabel_n = predict(Mdl,X_test);
oofLabel_n = double(oofLabel_n); % chuyen tu categorical sang dang double
test_accuracy_for_iter = sum((oofLabel_n == y_test))/length(y_test)*100;
%% save model
  3 comentarios
the cyclist
the cyclist el 7 de Jul. de 2019
As @ImageAnalyst suggests, we can't do much without the data.
That being said, it is suspicious that almost all points for the new data are classified into class 4 (rather than a more random misclassification). That should give you a hint as to what is happening.
Le Truong An
Le Truong An el 8 de Jul. de 2019
Thank for your suprort!
I attach my data and my code is used to test the SVM model.
Look forward to your advice!
clear all
%% preparing data
output = grp2idx(Y);
rand_num = randperm(size(X,1));
% training data set 70%, test set 30%,
X_train = X(rand_num(1:round(0.7*length(rand_num))),:);
y_train = output(rand_num(1:round(0.7*length(rand_num))),:);
X_test = X(rand_num(round(0.7*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
y_test = output(rand_num(round(0.7*length(rand_num))+1:end),:);
%% load and test SVM model with noise
CompactMdl = loadCompactModel('mySVM');
oofLabel_n = predict(CompactMdl,X_test);
test_accuracy_for_iter = sum((oofLabel_n == y_test))/length(y_test)*100; % tinh accuracy rate
%% plotconfusion
isLabels = unique(output);
nLabels = numel(isLabels);
[n,p] = size(X_test);
% Convert the integer label vector to a class-identifier matrix.
[~,grpOOF] = ismember(oofLabel_n,isLabels);
oofLabelMat = zeros(nLabels,n);
idxLinear = sub2ind([nLabels n],grpOOF,(1:n)');
oofLabelMat(idxLinear) = 1; % Flags the row corresponding to the class
[~,grpY] = ismember(y_test,isLabels);
YMat = zeros(nLabels,n);
idxLinearY = sub2ind([nLabels n],grpY,(1:n)');
YMat(idxLinearY) = 1;
h = gca;
h.XTickLabel = [(isLabels); {''}];
h.YTickLabel = [(isLabels); {''}];
title('Add white Gaussian noise to original data (SNR=10dB) ','FontWeight','bold','FontSize',12);

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Don Mathis
Don Mathis el 8 de Jul. de 2019
If you want your classifier to perform well on data with Gaussian noise added, I suggest training it on your original data with Gaussian noise added. That is, create an "augmented" dataset and train on that.
  5 comentarios
Don Mathis
Don Mathis el 9 de Jul. de 2019
I meant you could take your original predictor matrix, X, and replace it with something like this for training purposes only:
Xnew = X;
snrs = [5 10 15]
for snr = snrs
Xnew = [Xnew; awgn(X, snr)];
Xnew is an augmented dataset that has 4 times as many rows as your original. It appends 3 noisy copies of your predictors to the original, using 3 different snrs.
Le Truong An
Le Truong An el 9 de Jul. de 2019
It seems that the results are very good. Thank you so much!
I will try it with some other popular classification methods like k-NN, Decision Trees, ANN.
Thank you again, Mr. Don Mathis!

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