Pop-up Menu Issue
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I have a pop-up menu having two options:
- Get message from user
- Upload message from file
The 2nd option is working fine but when I choose 1st option it's giving error:
Reference to non-existent field 'message'.
Error in mainmain>Embed_Callback (line 201)
The pop-up buttons function is as below:
function popupmenu1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to popupmenu1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns popupmenu1 contents as cell array
% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from popupmenu1
Contents =cellstr(get(hObject,'String'));
if (strcmp(pop_choice,'Enter Message'))
elseif (strcmp(pop_choice,'Upload Message'))
[file,Path]=uigetfile('*.txt','Select file to read message,'.')
message = fileread(fullfile(Path,file));
11 comentarios
el 26 de Jul. de 2019
The string property contains a char array, not a string. This confusion was created when Mathworks introduced strings as a new data type, but (luckily) didn't rename properties or change their data types. That means both paths in your code should lead to char arrays.
So now the question is: have you made sure the message field contains a non-empty char array? And what do you mean with decoding?
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