Error: Line 91 Column: 44 When calling a function or indexing a variable , use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
% QAM Symbol mapper
qamMapper = comm.Rectangular*QAMModulator ( 'Modulator0rder' ), ...
2^bitsPerSubCarrier, 'BitInput' ; true, ...
'Normalization Method' ; 'Average power' );

Respuestas (1)

Peng Li
Peng Li el 28 de Mzo. de 2020
Matlab uses comma not ; Parameter names are without spaces. And you have an extra ) that doesn’t have a ( to match it.
  9 comentarios
kenny Ade
kenny Ade el 10 de Mayo de 2020
ERROR: invalid expression when calling expression ..other wise check for delimeters
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 10 de Mayo de 2020
qamMapper = comm.RectangularQAMModulator('Modulator0rder', 2^bitsPerSubCarrier, 'bitinput', true, 'NormalizationMethod', 'Average Power');
and if you want to split it over several lines,
qamMapper = comm.RectangularQAMModulator('Modulator0rder', 2^bitsPerSubCarrier, ...
'bitinput', true, ...
'NormalizationMethod', 'Average Power');
Note that comm.RectangularQAMModulator is going away, and it is recommended that you convert to qammod(). See

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