Remove part of (fsurf) surface
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Luke G.
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
Editada: Ameer Hamza
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
Hi All, I'm plotting a symbolic function using fsurf, and it yields the result I want. However, roughly half of the graph is irrelevant and I would like to not display that half of the results:

I started to use fill3 in a crude attempt (below) to hide the information I'm not interested in, but then it also obscures the data I am interested in and doesn't look very clean.

Does anyone have any clever solutions to this problem? The code used is below:
clc, clear all, close all
r = 20E-3; % absorber radius, [m]
Ah = pi*r^2; % heating surface area, [m^2]
Ac = Ah; % cooling surface area, [m^2]
l_stroke = 20E-3; % piston stroke, [m]
V1 = 250/1E6; % volume @ position1, [m^3]
% ^^ let's say V1 = 250 mL or one Red Bull can
V2 = Ah*l_stroke+V1; % volume @ position 2 (end of stroke)
V3 = V2; % for now, assuming very little expansion here
V4 = V1;
R = 8.314; % IG const., [J/mol-K]
T_amb = 20+273.15; % ambient temp., [K]
P_atm = 101325; % atm. pressure, [Pa]
n = (P_atm*V1)/(R*T_amb); % moles of air, arbitrarily chosen
q = 1E3; % input energy, [W/m^2]
h = 10; % convection coeff., [W/m^2-K]
k = 0.8; % condunction coeff. glass cylinder, [W/m-K]
t = 3E-3; % piston wall thickness, [m]
syms T12 T34
W12(T12) = n*R*T12*log(V2/V1); % Work, [J]
dW12(T12) = q*Ah - (T12-T_amb)*(t/(k*Ac) + 1/(h*Ac))^-1; % Work rate, [J/s]
t12 = W12/dW12; % Time, [s]
W34(T34) = n*R*T34*log(V4/V3); % Work, [J]
dW34(T34) = -(T34-T_amb)*(t/(k*Ac) + 1/(h*Ac))^-1; % Work rate, [J/s]
t34 = W34/dW34; % Time, [s]
W_tot(T12,T34) = W12(T12) + W34(T34);
t_stroke(T12,T34) = t12(T12) + t34(T34);
pwr = W_tot/t_stroke; % our final expression of power, [J/s]
%% 3D PLOT: Power Surface Plot
xylims = [290 1E3 290 1E3];
ph = fsurf(pwr,xylims,'ShowContours','on');
ylabel('T_1_-_2 (K)'); xlabel('T_3_-_4 (K)'); zlabel('Power (J s^-^1)')
zlim([0 q*Ah].*3)
% Image Quality Stuff
ph.EdgeColor = [1 1 1];
ph.AmbientStrength = 0.8;
ax = gca;
cb_ctrl = colorbar;
cb_ctrl.Limits = [0 q*Ah];
caxis([0 q*Ah]);
ax.Box = 'on';
Many thanks in advance,
Luke G.
2 comentarios
Respuesta aceptada
Ameer Hamza
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
Editada: Ameer Hamza
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
The data for the surfaces plotted using fsurf is Read-only, so it is not possible to modified. However, you can use surf() like this and mask the unwanted region using nan
%% 3D PLOT: Power Surface Plot
xylims = [290 1E3 290 1E3];
[T34g, T12g] = meshgrid(linspace(xylims(1), xylims(2), 100), linspace(xylims(3), xylims(4), 100));
PHg = double(subs(pwr, [T12, T34], {T12g, T34g}));
mask = T34g < T12g;
PHg(mask) = nan;
ph = surf(T12g, T34g, PHg);
ylabel('T_1_-_2 (K)'); xlabel('T_3_-_4 (K)'); zlabel('Power (J s^-^1)')
zlim([0 q*Ah].*3)
% Image Quality Stuff
ph.EdgeColor = [1 1 1];
ph.AmbientStrength = 0.8;
ax = gca;
cb_ctrl = colorbar;
cb_ctrl.Limits = [0 q*Ah];
caxis([0 q*Ah]);
ax.Box = 'on';

Más respuestas (1)
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
Try numerical solution
F = matlabFunction(pwr);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(300:20:1000);
Z = F(X,Y);
Z1 = (Y-3/4*X)/10; % line equations y = 3/4*x
Z(abs(Z) > 100) = nan; % remove high values
Z(Z1<0) = nan; % remove values above the line
contour(X,Y,Z1,[0 0],'b','linew',3)
axis vis3d

2 comentarios
el 20 de Mayo de 2020
Or bettet using initmesh
F = matlabFunction(pwr);
x = [300 400 1000 1000 300]; % contour
y = [300 300 750 1000 1000];
gd = [2; length(x); x(:); y(:)]; % geometry
dl = decsg(gd); % decomposition
[p,e,t] = initmesh(dl,'hmax',20); % triangulate inside contour
Z = F(p(1,:),p(2,:)); % calculate Z value
ff.vertices = [p' Z(:)];
ff.faces = t(1:3,:)';
ff.facecolor= 'y';
axis vis3d

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Más información sobre Surface and Mesh Plots en Help Center y File Exchange.
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