Contourlet toolbox: Undefined function or variable 'pdfbdec

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
zahra kh
zahra kh el 28 de Mayo de 2020
Comentada: zahra kh el 29 de Mayo de 2020
Hello , as I have installed the MinGW but when I run the contourlet coding then it still shows this error "Undefined function or variable 'pdfbdec'". Please suggest me what should I do

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Subhadeep Koley
Subhadeep Koley el 28 de Mayo de 2020
If you already installed and set up MinGW, then you need to create mex for the C source files before using the toolbox. You can buid the mex like below,
mex resampc.c
Then run any demo to check whether it is working

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