How to correct the assignment Error?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
PRIYANGA el 14 de Dic. de 2012
I have to run the K-means clustering program using matlab.
im = imread('D:\lena256.jpg');
%histogram calculation
img_hist = zeros(256,1);
hist_value = zeros(256,1);
for i=1:256
Run above code the following error occurred.
??? In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B
must be the same.
Error in ==> kmeansclustering at 10
Error in ==> main at 5
[clusters, result_image, clusterized_image] = kmeansclustering(im,k);
How do I solve this problem?
  3 comentarios
Matt J
Matt J el 14 de Dic. de 2012
Incidentally, why not use HISTC to generate the histogram? Why re-invent that wheel with for-loops?
PRIYANGA el 14 de Dic. de 2012
ok Sir I have to try.

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Respuesta aceptada

José-Luis el 14 de Dic. de 2012
img_hist(i)= sum(sum(sum(im==(i-1))));
im might be a three dimensional matrix.
  2 comentarios
PRIYANGA el 14 de Dic. de 2012
Thank You So Much Sir. Its working
José-Luis el 14 de Dic. de 2012
My pleasure, but please edit your posts for clarity in the future.

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Más respuestas (1)

Jürgen el 14 de Dic. de 2012
there is a function: imhist(I) , quite useful for this work, + if you want to calculate the hist by summing for each value 0=>255 you will get a array with a lenght of 256 not 256*256
  1 comentario
Jürgen el 14 de Dic. de 2012
and indeed the comment of JL above is also a good point: the image could be a (VertRes, HorRes,3) matrix

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