Log axis with percentage tick labels
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Dmitriy Saltanov
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
Comentada: Steve Eddins
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
Hi, just starting to use matlab here, running a few experimental calculations and pretty excited so far.
I'm currently struggling with displaying a graph of cumulative relative returns where changing value axis scale to log seems to defeat percentage formatting and override it with a default format, making presentation hard to grasp.
ax = axes;
plot(sourceData.Date, sourceData.ResultCompound);
ytickformat(ax, 'percentage'); % also tried ytickformat(ax, '%0.2f%%')
ax.YScale = 'log'; % no problem with default/'linear'
So my question is, is there a way to make log-scaled graphs with percentage tick labels?
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Respuesta aceptada
Star Strider
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
I am not certain what you want to do.
Try this:
x = linspace(-2, 2, 50); % Create Data
y = exp(-(x).^2/2); % Create Data
semilogy(x, y)
yt = get(gca, 'YTick');
ytl = compose('%.0f%%', yt*100)
set(gca, 'YTick',yt, 'YTickLabel',ytl)
2 comentarios
Star Strider
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
My pleasure!
I am not certain what you want. It is straightforward to define new ticks and tick labels.
This one change to my original code does that:
x = linspace(-2, 2, 50); % Create Data
y = exp(-(x).^2/2); % Create Data
semilogy(x, y)
yt = get(gca, 'YTick');
ytn = linspace(min(yt), max(yt), 4); % Define Nes ‘ytick’ Values
ytl = compose('%.1f%%', ytn*100)
set(gca, 'YTick',ytn, 'YTickLabel',ytl)
The new tick values always need to be within the range of the current tick values, however within that range they can be anything.
Más respuestas (1)
Steve Eddins
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
From what I can tell, the ruler object ignores the TickLabelFormat property (which is set by ytickformat) when the Scale is 'log'. I will record an enhancement/documentation request about this.
As a workaround, you can set the tick labels directly to whatever strings you want by using yticklabels. Try something like this:
yticklabels(string(yticks) + "%")
2 comentarios
Steve Eddins
el 24 de Sept. de 2020
Thanks, Dmitriy. I have your comments to the enhancement request record.
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