It is likely that the Class of the simulink parameter Cla_out might not be updated.
It can be updated by following the below steps:
Goto MODELLING tab and open the Data Object Wizard.
If the Class of the parameter is shown as Simulink.Signal, it needs to be changed to tic2000demospkg.Signal by following the below steps:
1. Click on Change Class tab and select customize class lists.
2. Under Signal classes, select tic2000demospkg.Signal and click ok.
3. Now, select the newly added class, tic2000demospkg.Signal for the object Cla_out.
Now, Under Data Stores tab under Code Mappings – C window, ensure that the storage class for Cla_out is updated to Cla1ToCpuMsgRAM as shown below:
Venkatesh C