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How to get the signal output of a PID controller as a voltage

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Tb el 4 de Dic. de 2020
Cerrada: Sabin el 19 de Dic. de 2024
So I am trying to closed-loop model a PMDC motor in Simulink, using a PID controller to control the voltage input through the angular speed of another motor's rotor. The motor has an input of 36V.
I am told that I need to use a motor driver to act as a bridge between the motor and the controller. However, in simscape I don't think that there is a driver for a PMDC motor (there are drivers for other motors BLDC, stepper, etc.). So I tried to make my own driver using a controllable voltage source block from simscape, however, the output from this block is the same as the output from the PID. So I fed this through a gain of 36/PID signal value.
But then I tried to check what would happen if a constant block was used with 36 as its value and the results are the same, therefore, this means that my makeshift driver doesn't work. Here is what I made:
I wasn't sure how to work with the controllable voltage source so I just put the resistance and the inductance of the motor acorss this voltage source.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot!
  10 comentarios
Tb el 10 de Dic. de 2020
Hello, I have solved the issue, thank you for the help

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