How to calculate hourly average value for measured Temperature, CO2, RH and Rid in 5 minutes interval
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Gadelhag M Omar Mohmed
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
Comentada: Cris LaPierre
el 12 de Feb. de 2021
Hello all.
Hopfully you all stay well and safe.
I have Temperature, CO2, RH and Rid measured each 5 minutes interval for about 36 days, (from 09/04/2020 to 14/05/2020) about 10080 rows in total. From these data I need to calculate the hourly average value for these measured Temperature, CO2, RH and Rid which means that eventually I must have 24 hourly averaged values per day.
I would appreciate any ideas on the matter!
I have attached the excel file I'm working on.
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Respuesta aceptada
Walter Mabry
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
Editada: Walter Mabry
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
The loop below breaks up you time stamps into hours and creates a new vector with the mean value for each hour of the provided data.
Temp = data1(:,4);
i = 12:12:840;
for k = 1:length(i)
DailyAvg(k) = mean(Temp((i(k)-11):i(k)));
7 comentarios
Walter Mabry
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
you are importanting the data as a cell. just import the numbers as an array with out the headings. You could use readmatrix() or just use the import data tool under the home tab
Más respuestas (2)
Cris LaPierre
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
Use groupsummary. I suggest combining your dates and times into a single datetime varlable to make this easier.
opts = detectImportOptions("Gadelhagdata.xlsx","Range",'A:K');
opts = setvartype(opts,"time","duration");
opts = setvaropts(opts,"time","InputFormat","hh:mm:ss");
data = readtable("Gadelhagdata.xlsx",opts);
% combine data and time = + data.time;
data.time = [];
hrAvg = groupsummary(data,"date","hour","mean")
6 comentarios
Sean de Wolski
el 11 de Feb. de 2021
Read it in as a timetable readtimetable then call retime which does exactly what you want.
t = readtimetable('yourfile')
fiveminutemean = retime(t, 'Regular', 'mean', 'TimeStep', minutes(5))
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