Hi all, I am trying to make a map based off data from a text documents containing daily surface air temperature. I attached 2 txt files as a sample. I am trying to create a map based off this.
This is my code:
inputdirTA = 'C:\Users\john\Desktop\TA2004daily';
S = dir(fullfile(inputdirTA,'*.txt'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
fnm = fullfile(inputdirTA,S(k).name);
vector = load(fnm);
mtx = reshape(vector,72,144);
if k == 1;
DataTA = [mtx];
DataTA = [DataTA mtx];
rv = [0.4 90 0];
geoshow(DataTA, rv, 'displaytype', 'texturemap');
C = load('coast');
plotm(C.lat, C.long, 'k');
title('Map of Surface Air Temperature');
I am getting this map:
But I am trying to get this kind of map:
I understand the concept of having to create 3 planes of the matrix, but I am having troubles understanding the syntax.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.