Terminate while loop when user hits enter

15 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
klb el 10 de Abr. de 2021
Comentada: klb el 12 de Abr. de 2021
Hi eveyone,
This is my while loop. It must end when user hits enter without entering a value . The loop allows for upto 3 successive blank entries before terminating. And, I cant get the n_points matrix to save entries without error.
How do I fix these?
Thank you for your time.
clear all
disp('Begin entering the data points')
t = 1;
x_point = input('enter x : ')
y_point = input('enter y : ')
n_points = [x_point,y_point];
while x_point ~= isempty(x_point) | y_point ~= isempty(y_point) % does not terminate immedeately when user presses enter without entering a value.
x_point = input('enter x : ')
y_point = input('enter y : ')
t = t+1
n_points(t,:) = [x_point,y_point];

Respuesta aceptada

Jan el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: Jan el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Avoid repeating code:
disp('Begin entering the data points')
t = 0;
while true % Infinite loop
x_point = input('enter x : ');
if isempty(x_point)
break; % Stop the WHILE loop
y_point = input('enter y : ');
if isempty(y_point)
break; % Stop the WHILE loop
t = t + 1;
n_points(t, :) = [x_point, y_point];
disp('Begin entering the data points')
t = 0;
ready = false;
while ~ready
x_point = input('enter x : ');
if ~isempty(x_point)
y_point = input('enter y : ');
if ~isempty(x_point) && ~isempty(y_point)
t = t + 1;
n_points(t, :) = [x_point, y_point];
ready = true;
  1 comentario
klb el 12 de Abr. de 2021
Thanks Jan, this works. Much aprpeciate the two different while loop logics. With these, you have clarified the following as well.
For some reason I have been under the impresison that the loop terminating logic must only be provided at the start of loop, and statements in the loop run till that logic returns a false. I see now that a while loop can be terminated from inside the loop as well. Thank you!

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Más respuestas (1)

Jonathan Clayton
Jonathan Clayton el 10 de Abr. de 2021
the code below looks at the number of elements that the user has inputed for that loop, and if that number is zero then the loop is broken.
if numel(x_point)+numel(y_point)==0
Add this code above n_points variable so that the empty vaibles are not added to your list.
  4 comentarios
klb el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Editada: klb el 11 de Abr. de 2021
Incorporated your code block as seen in code below. If you run it, skipping x is ok. But skipping y value copies the x value to y. If I add your code a second time with if numel(y_points)==0 edit, It works , but that is blunt.
A while loop shouldnt need further fixes. That is my original question - how to terminate the While loop at the very first time user hits enter without having adding data.
clear all
disp('Begin entering the data points')
t = 1;
x_point = input('enter x : ')
y_point = input('enter y : ')
n_points = [x_point,y_point];
while x_point ~= isempty(x_point) | y_point ~= isempty(y_point)
x_point = input('enter x : ')
y_point = input('enter y : ')
if numel(x_point)==0
t = t+1
n_points(t,:) = [x_point,y_point];
I tried another logic here but it also needs 2 of those code blocks. Cant understand why doesnt the loop break with the main while loop conditon itself. Any suggestions to eliminate in-loop intemedeate conditions checks?
clear all
x_point = 0;
y_point = 0;
while numel(x_point)~= 0
x_point = input('enter x : ')
y_point = input('enter y : ')
if numel(x_point)==0
if numel(y_point)==0
t = t+1;
n_points(t,:) = [x_point,y_point]
klb el 12 de Abr. de 2021
Jonathan, I am using the code block. I am also learning its ok to terminate a while loop from the inside the loop. Thanks for your time and help!

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