They both have the same properties:
get(figure(2)) get(figure(1))
Alphamap: [1×64 double] Alphamap: [1×64 double]
BeingDeleted: 'off' BeingDeleted: 'off'
BusyAction: 'queue' BusyAction: 'queue'
ButtonDownFcn: '' ButtonDownFcn: ''
Children: [12×1 PolarAxes] Children: [12×1 PolarAxes]
Clipping: 'on' Clipping: 'on'
CloseRequestFcn: 'closereq' CloseRequestFcn: 'closereq'
Color: [0.9400 0.94 0.9400] Color: [0.9400 0.94 0.9400]
Colormap: [64×3 double] Colormap: [64×3 double]
CreateFcn: '' CreateFcn: ''
CurrentAxes: [1×1 PolarAxes] CurrentAxes: [1×1 PolarAxes]
CurrentCharacter: '' CurrentCharacter: ''
CurrentObject: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder] CurrentObject: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
CurrentPoint: [-0.0018 -0.0024] CurrentPoint: [-0.0018 -0.0024]
DeleteFcn: '' DeleteFcn: ''
DockControls: 'on' DockControls: 'on'
FileName: '' FileName: ''
GraphicsSmoothing: 'on' GraphicsSmoothing: 'on'
HandleVisibility: 'on' HandleVisibility: 'on'
InnerPosition: [0.1869 0.0322 0.6875 0.8667] InnerPosition: [0.1869 0.0322 0.6875 0.8667]
IntegerHandle: 'on' IntegerHandle: 'on'
Interruptible: 'on' Interruptible: 'on'
InvertHardcopy: 'on' InvertHardcopy: 'on'
KeyPressFcn: '' KeyPressFcn: ''
KeyReleaseFcn: '' KeyReleaseFcn: ''
MenuBar: 'figure' MenuBar: 'figure'
Name: '' Name: ''
NextPlot: 'add' NextPlot: 'add'
Number: 2 Number: 1
NumberTitle: 'on' NumberTitle: 'on'
OuterPosition: [0.1819 0.0233 0.6975 0.9700] OuterPosition: [0.1819 0.0233 0.6975 0.9700]
PaperOrientation: 'portrait' PaperOrientation: 'portrait'
PaperPosition: [-0.1740 0.1307 1.348 0.7387] PaperPosition: [-0.1740 0.1307 1.348 0.7387]
PaperPositionMode: 'auto' PaperPositionMode: 'auto'
PaperSize: [1 1] PaperSize: [1 1]
PaperType: 'usletter' PaperType: 'usletter'
PaperUnits: 'normalized' PaperUnits: 'normalized'
Parent: [1×1 Root] Parent: [1×1 Root]
Pointer: 'arrow' Pointer: 'arrow'
PointerShapeCData: [16×16 double] PointerShapeCData: [16×16 double]
PointerShapeHotSpot: [1 1] PointerShapeHotSpot: [1 1]
Position: [0.1869 0.0322 0.6875 0.8667] Position: [0.1869 0.0322 0.6875 0.8667]
Renderer: 'opengl' Renderer: 'opengl'
RendererMode: 'auto' RendererMode: 'auto'
Resize: 'on' Resize: 'on'
SelectionType: 'normal' SelectionType: 'normal'
SizeChangedFcn: '' SizeChangedFcn: ''
Tag: '' Tag: ''
ToolBar: 'auto' ToolBar: 'auto'
Type: 'figure' Type: 'figure'
UIContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder] UIContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder]
Units: 'normalized' Units: 'normalized'
UserData: [1×1 struct] UserData: [1×1 struct]
Visible: 'on' Visible: 'on'
WindowButtonDownFcn: '' WindowButtonDownFcn: ''
WindowButtonMotionFcn: '' WindowButtonMotionFcn: ''
WindowButtonUpFcn: '' WindowButtonUpFcn: ''
WindowKeyPressFcn: '' WindowKeyPressFcn: ''
WindowKeyReleaseFcn: '' WindowKeyReleaseFcn: ''
WindowScrollWheelFcn: '' WindowScrollWheelFcn: ''
WindowStyle: 'normal' WindowStyle: 'normal'