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Subscript & superscript equation

14 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
cannot manage to add the equation in the mention capture shoot image at the matlab !!!
but didn't work !!!
Tried latex and it gives another answer than it should become.
Kindly need an assistance in that concern !!!

Respuesta aceptada

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
You need to use latex in the equation editor, not symbolic.
This expression x1=x_{b_1}^{a_1} turns into this:
Note that MATLAB only supports a subset of the latex libraries. If you need help building your equation, you can do so interactively in a live script using the equation editor.
  3 comentarios
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
You can also use \frac if you want. This:
\parallel\upsilon^c_n\parallel=\frac{\parallel{P^c_{n+1}-P^c_n}\parallel /}{\Delta} \leq \upsilon_{max}
becomes this:
The Equation Editor creates the expression using slighly different syntax:
\left\|\upsilon_n^c \right\|=\frac{\left\|P_{n+1}^c -P_n^c \right\|}{\Delta }\le \upsilon_{\max}
Once created, you can rt-click on your equation and select 'Copy as latex" if you need to insert the equation elsewhere.
Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
thank you Cris LaPierre .... appreciate your concern

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Más respuestas (2)

Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
the second formula
E_{O,k,n}^d(L_{k,n}^d,P_n^c)={\frac{{N_oB\frac{\Delta}{K}}}{g_{k,n}{(P_n^c)}}\times{(2^{\frac{L_{k,n}^d}{B\frac{\Delta}{K}} -{1})
is that right /?
  2 comentarios
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Try it out and see if it displays correctly. As a hint, you can enclose it in dollar signs to turn it into an equation here in the editor.
$E_{O,k,n}^d(L_{k,n}^d,P_n^c)={\frac{{N_oB\frac{\Delta}{K}}}{g_{k,n}{(P_n^c)}}\times{(2^{\frac{L_{k,n}^d}{B\frac{\Delta}{K}} -{1})$
Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
the last number (-1) is subtract from the power not from number 2 !!!!

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Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
$E_{O,k,n}^d(L_{k,n}^d,P_n^c)={\frac{{N_oB\frac{\Delta}{K}}}{g_{k,n}{(P_n^c)}} (2^{\frac{L_{k,n}^d}{B\frac{\Delta}{K}}} -1)$
I got it
it was a missing bracket in wrong place ........
Thank you Cris LaPierre
  4 comentarios
Mohamed EL-Baz
Mohamed EL-Baz el 2 de Jul. de 2021
S = "m\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}=mg - ky";
symstr = ["'The equation of motion is'"; S;"'where k is the elastic coefficient.'"];
doesnot display like that
The equation of motion is
where k is the elastic coefficient.
I dont know why!?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Cris LaPierre el 2 de Jul. de 2021
In your ded.jpg image, you were trying to use the Edit Equation tool to create your equations, so that is how I've shown you how to create equations.
In your latest question, it doesn't work because displayFormula is for displaying symbolic equations, not latex equations. Follow this example from the displayFormulat documentation page.
S = "m*diff(y,t,t) == m*g-k*y";
symstr = ["'The equation of motion is'"; S;"'where k is the elastic coefficient.'"];
The equation of motion is
where k is the elastic coefficient.

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