Textscan with multiple delimiters

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Andy el 21 de Oct. de 2013
Editada: per isakson el 21 de Oct. de 2013
I want to read a text file into a cell array so that i have each line of my file as a new row and each attribute in my file as a column on that row.
file = fopen('file.txt');
d = textscan(file,'%s %d %d %d ,'delimiter',',');
If i run the code above it gives me a 1 x n array. If i type d{1} i get the first character of every line. Similarly if i type d{2} i get the second attribute of every line. Instead of having 1 x the number of attributes i would like the number of lines x the number of attributes so i can easily. Retrieve the values i need.
I asked a similar question yesterday but that gave me 2 separate arrays where i want all of this to be stored in the same cell array.
I have also tried this as my delimiter but it tells me the Delimiter must be a string.
  1 comentario
Cedric el 21 de Oct. de 2013
Could you attach your data file or part of it?

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Respuesta aceptada

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney el 21 de Oct. de 2013
You should be able to get what you want with just a bit of post-processing following your textscan line:
str = sprintf('one,1,2,3\ntwo,4,5,6\n');
d = textscan(str,'%s %d %d %d', 'delimiter',',');
d = [d{1} num2cell(cat(2, d{2:4}))];
  1 comentario
Andy el 21 de Oct. de 2013
I have managed to access the data in its current form now. It took some time to work out how to access the cell array but i can now just use d{1}(2) to access column 1, 2nd element for example.

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Más respuestas (1)

per isakson
per isakson el 21 de Oct. de 2013
Editada: per isakson el 21 de Oct. de 2013
I'm not sure I understand your question, but:
textscan( '1,2;3:4', '%d%d%d%d', 'Delimiter', ',;:' )
ans =
[1] [2] [3] [4]

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