error while using "from file" block in SIMULINK

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Harish Balaga
Harish Balaga el 9 de Jun. de 2011
i am using "from file" block in simulink. the time stamp in the file starts from 0 and ends at0.2 sec(nondecreasing). but simulink is showing the follwing error.
"Time values must be monotonically non-decreasing." what should i do? if i use some other similar file, this problem is not there.

Respuestas (2)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser el 9 de Jun. de 2011
In case this is a very individual issue, I suggest contacting Technical Support and provide your files.
I have one suggestion for troubleshooting. Load your file into the MATLAB workspace and then test your time variable (assuming t)
t=[1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8] % test data with an artifical issue
[test, ix]=find(diff(t)<0)
ix return a position were the data is nondecreasing
  2 comentarios
Harish Balaga
Harish Balaga el 9 de Jun. de 2011
i tried it and the result is an empty matrix :-(
Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser el 9 de Jun. de 2011
I would expect that an empty time vector is seen as nonincreasing. The root cause may be a very differnt one then. WHY is the time variable empty?

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Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege el 9 de Jun. de 2011
As Andreas suggest, load your MAT file in MATLAB and re-order the data so that the time values are monotonically increasing. You'll probably find that sortrows is useful for that. Once you have re-ordered your data, save it to a different MAT file and use that file with the From File block.
  2 comentarios
Harish Balaga
Harish Balaga el 9 de Jun. de 2011
i cannot sort them as i need to send the data in the same order
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege el 9 de Jun. de 2011
But the time vector needs to be in ascending order, you can't "go back" in time. How was the file generated?

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