Von Duesenberg
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Classification of overlapping classed
If you have the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, the easiest way to get you started is to run several classifiers with t...
más de 6 años hace | 0
how to copy layers and connections from an existing neural network?
Something along the lines (I had an exemple withe Alexnet, but the basic principle should be identical; here, I just resize the ...
más de 6 años hace | 0
how to display the deep neural networks?
AFAIK, your options are either to use layerGraph, or the <https://fr.mathworks.com/help/nnet/ref/analyzenetwork.html analyzeNetw...
más de 6 años hace | 3
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How to make image sequence from video or images?
A quick look tells me that Alpaca probably contains 55 grayscale images whereas img is a color image with 3 channels correspondi...
más de 6 años hace | 0
Anyone help me please, How to use Classification Learner App to calculate accuracy rates on training set, and on test set??
It's all explained here: https://fr.mathworks.com/help/stats/export-classification-model-for-use-with-new-data.html Basically, ...
más de 6 años hace | 0
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colormap() not working in 2016b
I = imread('cameraman.tif'); imshow(I) colormap jet
casi 7 años hace | 0
drum beat analysis using audio processing
It depends on how much annotated data you have. I would start with raw labeled waveforms and try to adapt the example from the d...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How can i plot the graph of b versus a?
Is this what you had in mind? a=-pi:2*pi/30:pi; b=pi./a.^2; plot(b,a) %or plot(a,b)
casi 7 años hace | 0
How do I compute the correlation between corresponding rows of two matrices?
arrayfun(@(k) corr(A(k,:)', B(k,:)'), 1:10000, 'Uni', 1)
casi 7 años hace | 0
use sprintf with .wav files in for-loop
Or, assuming this is for the same piece of homework as yesterday, this can help you (although I hesitate to suggest it as an ans...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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How to time-align correlated wav.files
This is homework so perhaps I can try to give you a couple of hints without providing you with the final solution. To import y...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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counting the number of frequency in wav file
A possible workflow: %compute the envelope of y (your signal) %assuming it's mono, and adjust the second %parameter o...
casi 7 años hace | 0
How to scale x-axis in MatLab?
Temp = [100,75,50,25,0,-25,-50,-65,-75,-85,-100,-125,-150,-175]; Impact_Energy = [89.3,88.6,87.6,85.4,82.9,78.9,73.1,66...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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How to read a txt table for selecting stimuli...?
myTable = readtable('studylist4.txt');
casi 7 años hace | 0
How to place figure labels
Is this what you are trying to achieve ? : x = [ 1.3404 1.3404 1.5011; 2.1141 2.1141 2.1591; 2.4665 2.4...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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Descriptive stats in EEGlab
You can start with simple spectrograms and then move to coherence analysis, there's an example here if you have the wavelet tool...
casi 7 años hace | 0
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How can I create a nested loop ?
Here is a possible solution ; adapt it if it doesn't quite do what you had in mind : iMax = 5; jMax = 8; myArray = ze...
casi 7 años hace | 4
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i am using myrpi variable inside a while loop. i am gettng an error as undefine function or variable myrpi. code is " if isempty(bbox) disp('No one is Here turn off all connection')else disp('someone is here in the room')"Please help
I am not sure what the first clearvars is doing(the formatting of your code as it appears here probably lacks a number of end of...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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How to check whether all the elements are integer?
check = [1 1.5]; logical(~rem(check,1))
casi 7 años hace | 0
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How can I remove the borders from the bar plots ?
h = bar([4 5 6]); h.EdgeColor = 'none';
casi 7 años hace | 0
what should i do to make both images of same size
im = imread('kssk.jpg'); newIm = rgb2gray(imresize(im, [256, 256]));
casi 7 años hace | 1
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How do I produce an R value for the following data?
In your case, with a polynomial of degree 1, you are pretty much assessing to whant extent the relationship between your two var...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Trying to train a k-means clustering algorithm
Your numbers are much much bigger than those of the original example. So you should increase the step size between your min and ...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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could anyone help me to plot the graph with equal spacing of number with respect to x axis
xDat = [1,12,25,100,120]; dummyX = 1:length(xDat); yDat = randperm(length(xDat)); plot(dummyX, yDat, 'ko'); ax = g...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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Using mulitiselect in uigetfile to plot the selected files
Is this useful ? : [filename, pathname, ~] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'Select text files','MultiSelect', 'on'); if filename ~=...
casi 7 años hace | 0
Is there a function that will allow me to convert a Euclidean distance calculation for two vectors in a matrix to all the vectors in the matrix?
If I understand your question correctly, this should do the trick: mean(pdist(allData))
casi 7 años hace | 1
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How do I access the output images from this program.
Quick and dirty: imwrite(Img, [num2str(i) '.jpg'])
casi 7 años hace | 0
Can anyone suggest suitable code for detecting cardiac arrhythmia from ecg signals?
You might find this interesting: <https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/65286-heart-sound-classifier>
casi 7 años hace | 0
"Index exceeds matrix dimensions" in imwrite()
I just had a quick look but it seems to me that you're using "i" as an index in different (and nested) loops, so the values in n...
casi 7 años hace | 1
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can I obtain the values of a plot in tabular form
It depends on the kind of plot you have, but the following example should put you on the right track: plot(1:10,[1 2 1 2 3 ...
casi 7 años hace | 0