counting the number of frequency in wav file

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faiz hazizi
faiz hazizi el 24 de Abr. de 2018
Comentada: faiz hazizi el 29 de Abr. de 2018
hi, i would like to count the number of frequency on my sample audio file. it is a recorded drum audio file which contain 8 beat of kick pedal in 7 seconds. so the problem is, how to make a simulation to count the number of kick pedal in this audio file (.wav)
here are my .wav file
plot (t,y)
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faiz hazizi
faiz hazizi el 25 de Abr. de 2018
sorry sir, but i dont understand ? why is it need to calculate the rms value ? and what is the relationship between rms value and findpeaks ? i do found the coding of the findpeaks which is numel(findpeaks(your_signal)) but it didn't works on my work. and i don't understand what is the "(your_signal)"should be ? is it .wav file or what ?
Jan el 26 de Abr. de 2018
@faiz hazizi: Remember that a diagram without labels does not explain anything. What do the two diagram represent?
The original signal has positive and negative values. You are not interested in the maximum value, but in the maximum amplitude. This can be positive or negative. Using abs helps to move all values to the positive side. If you have a single signal (mono sound), this is exactly the same as RMS: The mean of a scalar is the scalar, and Root of Squared value makes the sign positive. For a stereo signal, RMS considers both channels.
There is no "relationship" between RMS and findpeaks. The first one converts the signal to do what you want, the second one finds the peaks.
"your_signal" is the "y" in your code: The variable in which the audio signal is stored.

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Jan el 26 de Abr. de 2018
[y, fs] = audioread('C:\Users\Faiz\Desktop\Kick.wav');
yRMS = sqrt(sum(y .^ 2, 2)); % Root mean square, same as abs(y) for mono signal
[pk, loc] = findpeaks(yRMS, 'MinPeakHeight', std(yRMS));
See doc findpeaks for more methods.
  1 comentario
faiz hazizi
faiz hazizi el 29 de Abr. de 2018
thank you sir, appreciate that, i'll try run the program first. if there's is any in problem regarding to this program i'll ask again sir, thank you

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Más respuestas (1)

Von Duesenberg
Von Duesenberg el 25 de Abr. de 2018
A possible workflow:
%compute the envelope of y (your signal)
%assuming it's mono, and adjust the second
%parameter of the envelope function with
%successive plots of myEnv
[myEnv, ~] = envelope(y, 3000, 'peak');
%apply findpeaks, and adjust 'MinPeakProminence'
%to your needs
[pk, loc] = findpeaks(myEnv, 'MinPeakProminence', .5);
%get the number of peaks
nbPk = length(pk);
  6 comentarios
Von Duesenberg
Von Duesenberg el 26 de Abr. de 2018
Editada: Von Duesenberg el 26 de Abr. de 2018
If you do
And the second output says 2, then your audio is stereo; if it says 1, your audio is mono.
Jan el 26 de Abr. de 2018
@faiz: "Mono" means, that the sound has been recorded with 1 channel. "Stereo" uses 2 channels, and needs 2 microphones. Ask WikiPedia for details.
If a sound is recorded with 2 channels, the output of audioread must have two columns also. See: doc audioread.

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