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I am using Matlab R2011a. I am creating any circuit model in Simulink, and after I simulate, an error log opens saying initialisation commands cannot be evaluated, hw to solve?
Based on the error it sounds like you are utilizing SimPowerSystems. Those blocks require the powergui to determine the solver....
alrededor de 10 años hace | 1
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How to include a slider GUI in a Simuink Model?
You could potentially build a slider as part of a < mask>. Oth...
más de 10 años hace | 0
I need a simulink modeling T.C.S (Traction controll system ) or A.B.S (Anti brake System)
There is a complete car model available:
casi 11 años hace | 1
Calling Planetary EphemerisSimulink Block From .m file. The resulting output is unclear.
Did you try starting from the example? Implement the position and velocity for Saturn with respect to the Solar System baryce...
casi 11 años hace | 1
How does the (Embedded) MATLAB Function work in Simulink
Thanks for the well written questions. 1) The function regenerates anytime you change the MATLAB function or parameters withi...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
How to use SISO Design tool for a simulink model?
If you're using R2012b or later, in Simulink go to analysis -> Control Design -> Control System Designer. It's a big more a...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
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List containing all parameters that can be set by set_param
ParameterCellArray = get_param(gcb, 'DialogParameters') returns a cell array containing the names of the Object dialog pa...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 2
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symbolic state space representation & transfer function
Symbolic representation is not compatible with the controls tools. You would have to do this manually.
alrededor de 11 años hace | 0
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Changing Simscape Block Properties during simulation
Depending on your implementation this may work (post a picture of what you've got or upload a model for better answer). You c...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
quick loging and un-logging of Simulink signals
From 13b release notes: Data Management Streamlined selection...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 0
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Can a Switch block handle signals of Mux?
Without fully understanding your setup, all inputs to a switch must have the same size. For example, if you have a mux with 2 e...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 0
Contact modeling between two bodies
I'm not sure the ideal way to do this, but off the top of my head I think you would want to set up a conditional for when they c...
alrededor de 11 años hace | 1
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how can i see the live value on my Simulink Modell during Simulation
Try < show port value display>
más de 11 años hace | 0
Modelling a Quadrotor with Simmechanics
Depending on what you're looking to do, this can be done with either Aero Blks or SimMech. From scratch, aero blks is easier be...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Simulink rapid acceleration creates temp files which fill drive
What's your parfor loop look like? You might be able to do something like parfor i = 1:100 eval(['myOutput' num2str...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Reported 'algebraic loop error' when I was using feed back in logic simulation. Long story short, the input of the highlig...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Is it possible to estimate the Transport Delay within a Simulink model using the Simulink Design Optimization toolbox?
You can set the delay in the transport to a workspace variable. You can then bring the workspace variable into the optimization...
más de 11 años hace | 0
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Brewery Manufacturing Process Simulation
Try < generating entities at sim...
más de 11 años hace | 1
How do you represent contact with the ground in simscape?
You want the < translational hard stop> block. ...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Documentation for expamples on simulink for beginners
I would start with the Simulink examples on the < prod...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Simulink with Simscape make mistake while calculating derivative
It appears to be a units issue, at least with your understanding of the mathematics. Put the frequency in as 1/(2*pi) hz, equiv...
más de 11 años hace | 0
How to process mat-files saved by Simulink Data Inspector in Matlab?
You should check out the < SDI API...
más de 11 años hace | 0
[Simulink] Rate limiter dynamic with a variable-step solver
You could put a rate transition on the input signal to the block. This would make the input signal fixed sample time and resolv...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Rate Limiter Block Error
Try changing the sample time of the step to either -1 or a sample rate. The problem is the default rate is 0, which is neither ...
más de 11 años hace | 1
Why is their an offset when I intergrate a simple sin(1*x) in simulink using the (1/s) block?
You need to set the < initial condition> of the integrator. I belie...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Can I use Arduino and Simulink for Robotic Arm Control?
It depends if the controller you design will fit on the arduino. Fundamentally, you can squeeze a couple PID controllers on an ...
más de 11 años hace | 0
How to import time dependent matrix data in Simulink?
Check out < Root inport mapping>. The p...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Installation Problem LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT
Are you running MATLAB in administrator mode? There may be some privileges you need to install cygwin. I also believe you ca...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Is there a way to export model explorer information to Excel?
Does this < blog post about model explore...
más de 11 años hace | 0
Simscape integrator is not working properly
From < this page>: Finding an Initial Ste...
más de 11 años hace | 0
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