Voltt - Advanced data repository of specific battery models, enabling precise performance predictions in Simscape Battery - Third-Party Products & Services - MATLAB & Simulink


Advanced data repository of specific battery models, enabling precise performance predictions in Simscape Battery


  • Comprehensive library provides precise modeling for various battery types
  • Predicts electrical, thermal, and ageing performances of battery systems
  • Essential for system and Battery Management System (BMS) design
  • Accurately predicts battery lifetime, aiding in efficient system planning


The Voltt, About:Energy's innovative software platform, is reshaping the landscape of battery analytics and modeling. It serves as a digital gateway, streamlining the integration of comprehensive battery data into MATLAB and Simulink, as well as design studios, which traditionally require considerable resources and specialized expertise.

Previously, the extraction of the necessary input data for accurate battery modeling has been a challenging and resource-intensive process, requiring significant investment in equipment and specialized knowledge. However, The Voltt simplifies this process, functioning as a virtual lab that provides all the necessary data for accurate battery performance modeling.

By offering a comprehensive library of specific battery models, The Voltt enables enhanced use of MATLAB and Simulink, allowing for more accurate simulations and system optimizations. This functionality extends to predicting the electrical, thermal, and ageing performance of battery systems, thus becoming an essential tool for system and Battery Management System (BMS) designs.

Furthermore, The Voltt empowers users to stay ahead of industry developments by consistently comparing state-of-the-art and emerging battery cells. The product provides valuable insights into battery behavior, identifying potential improvements in efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. By accurately predicting battery lifespan, The Voltt adds value to system planning and optimization, making it an indispensable asset for users across the entire battery value chain.

The Voltt serves a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and renewable energy. Its users range from battery manufacturers to design engineers, essentially anyone working with or considering the use of batteries in these sectors.

The Voltt seamlessly integrates with MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products by offering users two distinct ways of enhancing their battery performance modeling. Firstly, The Voltt can provide comprehensive, high-quality battery data, which users can implement with their existing MATLAB and Simulink products for more accurate and reliable predictions. This data, measured in-house, covers potentially hundreds of different batteries, substantially augmenting the breadth of information available from traditional literature.

Alternatively, The Voltt can supply this data embedded into a custom Simscape™ implementation of an electrical/electrochemical model. This means users can directly apply these ready-to-use tools in their MATLAB environment to model battery performance reliably.

In summary, The Voltt complements MATLAB and Simulink by either enriching existing toolsets with high-quality data or providing custom tools that integrate directly into MATLAB and Simulink, thereby enhancing battery performance modeling capabilities.



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Required Products


  • Windows


  • E-mail
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  • Telephone

Product Type

  • Modeling and Simulation Tools


  • Data Acquisition or Import
  • System Modeling and Simulation


  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Industrial Automation and Machinery
  • Utilities and Energy