How to Use Rapid Control Prototyping to Validate Electric Motors and Power Converters
This video series shows how power electronics engineers can use MATLAB® and Simulink® for rapid control prototyping (RCP) to validate control algorithms for electric motors and power converters.
Control algorithms are deployed to a real-time target computer that provides enhanced debugging, data logging, and controller tuning capabilities while avoiding the overhead of developing drivers and specialized I/O connectivity. You will discover the benefits of using RCP with Simulink Real-Time™ and Speedgoat® real-time target computers before deploying the generated code on a microcontroller or FPGA. Starting with Simulink models for motor control and power converter control, you will see how algorithms can be adapted and optimized. You will learn about dedicated software and hardware support from Speedgoat for real-time simulation of power electronics–based systems.
Learn how rapid control prototyping (RCP) can address challenges that power electronics control engineers face when developing and testing their algorithms.
Learn how to deploy a PMSM control algorithm on a Speedgoat real-time target computer.
Get an overview of the software and hardware components for rapid control prototyping (RCP) with MATLAB and Simulink.
Explore rapid control prototyping (RCP) for a DC-DC power converter.