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Mesh representation of roads near actor

Since R2020a


rdMesh = roadMesh(ac) creates a mesh representation of roads nearest to the specified actor ac. The function returns the mesh as an extendedObjectMesh object. By default, the function searches for roads within a 120 m radius of the input actor.


mesh = roadMesh(ac,maxRadius)specifies the maximum search radius.


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Generate lidar point cloud data for a driving scenario with multiple actors by using the lidarPointCloudGenerator System object. Create the driving scenario by using drivingScenario object. It contains an ego-vehicle, pedestrian and two other vehicles.

Create and plot a driving scenario with multiple vehicles

Create a driving scenario.

scenario = drivingScenario;

Add a straight road to the driving scenario. The road has one lane in each direction.

roadCenters = [0 0 0; 70 0 0];
laneSpecification = lanespec([1 1]);

Add an ego vehicle to the driving scenario.

egoVehicle = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',1,'Mesh',driving.scenario.carMesh);
waypoints = [1 -2 0; 35 -2 0];

Add a truck, pedestrian, and bicycle to the driving scenario and plot the scenario.

truck = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',2,'Length', 8.2,'Width',2.5,'Height',3.5, ...
waypoints = [70 1.7 0; 20 1.9 0];

pedestrian = actor(scenario,'ClassID',4,'Length',0.24,'Width',0.45,'Height',1.7, ...
waypoints = [23 -4 0; 10.4 -4 0];

bicycle = actor(scenario,'ClassID',3,'Length',1.7,'Width',0.45,'Height',1.7, ...
waypoints = [12.7 -3.3 0; 49.3 -3.3 0];


Generate and plot lidar point cloud data

Create a lidarPointCloudGenerator System object.

lidar = lidarPointCloudGenerator;

Add actor profiles and the ego vehicle actor ID from the driving scenario to the System object.

lidar.ActorProfiles = actorProfiles(scenario);
lidar.EgoVehicleActorID = egoVehicle.ActorID;

Plot the point cloud data.

bep = birdsEyePlot('Xlimits',[0 70],'YLimits',[-30 30]);
plotter = pointCloudPlotter(bep);
while advance(scenario)
    tgts = targetPoses(egoVehicle);
    rdmesh = roadMesh(egoVehicle);
    [ptCloud,isValidTime] = lidar(tgts,rdmesh,scenario.SimulationTime);
    if isValidTime

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 7 objects of type patch, line.

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) is empty.

Input Arguments

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Actor belonging to a drivingScenario object, specified as an Actor or Vehicle object. To create these objects, use the actor and vehicle functions, respectively.

Maximum radius of search area, specified as an integer in the range [1, 500].

Data Types: single | double | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Output Arguments

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Mesh representation of roads near to the actor, returned as an extendedObjectMesh object.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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