Particle swarm optimization
to find a vector x
= particleswarm(fun
that achieves a local minimum
of fun
. nvars
is the dimension
(number of design variables) of fun
Passing Extra Parameters explains how to pass extra parameters to the objective function, if necessary.
also returns the following, using any of the input
argument combinations in the previous syntaxes:x
= particleswarm(___)
, a scalar that is the objective function valuefun(x)
, a value that describes the exit conditionoutput
, a structure that contains information about the optimization processpoints
, a structure that contains the final swarm positions inpoints.X
and the associated objective function values inpoints.Fval
Minimize a Simple Function
Minimize a simple function of two variables.
Define the objective function.
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2);
Call particleswarm
to minimize the function.
rng default % For reproducibility nvars = 2; x = particleswarm(fun,nvars)
Optimization ended: relative change in the objective value over the last OPTIONS.MaxStallIterations iterations is less than OPTIONS.FunctionTolerance. x = 629.4474 311.4814
This solution is far from the true minimum, as you see in a function plot.
Usually, it is best to set bounds. See Minimize a Simple Function with Bounds.
Minimize a Simple Function with Bounds
Minimize a simple function of two variables with bound constraints.
Define the objective function.
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2);
Set bounds on the variables.
lb = [-10,-15]; ub = [15,20];
Call particleswarm
to minimize the function.
rng default % For reproducibility nvars = 2; x = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub)
Optimization ended: relative change in the objective value over the last OPTIONS.MaxStallIterations iterations is less than OPTIONS.FunctionTolerance.
x = 1×2
-0.7071 -0.0000
Minimize Using Nondefault Options
Use a larger population and a hybrid function to try to get a better solution.
Specify the objective function and bounds.
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2); lb = [-10,-15]; ub = [15,20];
Specify the options.
options = optimoptions('particleswarm','SwarmSize',100,'HybridFcn',@fmincon);
Call particleswarm
to minimize the function.
rng default % For reproducibility nvars = 2; x = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options)
Optimization ended: relative change in the objective value over the last OPTIONS.MaxStallIterations iterations is less than OPTIONS.FunctionTolerance.
x = 1×2
-0.7071 -0.0000
Examine the Solution Process
Return the optional output arguments to examine the solution process in more detail.
Define the problem.
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(-norm(x)^2); lb = [-10,-15]; ub = [15,20]; options = optimoptions('particleswarm','SwarmSize',50,'HybridFcn',@fmincon);
Call particleswarm
with all outputs to minimize the function and get information about the solution process.
rng default % For reproducibility nvars = 2; [x,fval,exitflag,output,points] = particleswarm(fun,nvars,lb,ub,options)
Optimization ended: relative change in the objective value over the last OPTIONS.MaxStallIterations iterations is less than OPTIONS.FunctionTolerance.
x = 1×2
-0.7071 -0.0000
fval = -0.4289
exitflag = 1
output = struct with fields:
rngstate: [1x1 struct]
iterations: 43
funccount: 2203
message: 'Optimization ended: relative change in the objective value ...'
hybridflag: 1
points = struct with fields:
X: [50x2 double]
Fval: [50x1 double]
Input Arguments
— Objective function
function handle | function name
Objective function, specified as a function handle or function name. Write the objective
function to accept a row vector of length
and return a scalar
When the 'UseVectorized'
option is true
, write
to accept a
matrix, where pop
is the current
population size. In this case,
returns a vector the same
length as pop
containing the
fitness function values. Ensure that
does not assume any
particular size for pop
, since
can pass a single
member of a population even in a vectorized
Example: fun = @(x)(x-[4,2]).^2
Data Types: char
| function_handle
| string
— Number of variables
positive integer
Number of variables, specified as a positive integer. The solver passes row vectors of length
to fun
Example: 4
Data Types: double
— Lower bounds
(default) | real vector or array
Lower bounds, specified as a real vector or array of doubles. lb
the lower bounds element-wise in
≤ x
≤ ub
Internally, particleswarm
converts an array lb
to the
vector lb(:)
Example: lb = [0;-Inf;4]
means x(1) ≥ 0
, x(3) ≥ 4
Data Types: double
— Upper bounds
(default) | real vector or array
Upper bounds, specified as a real vector or array of doubles. ub
the upper bounds element-wise in
≤ x
≤ ub
Internally, particleswarm
converts an array ub
to the
vector ub(:)
Example: ub = [Inf;4;10]
means x(2) ≤ 4
, x(3) ≤ 10
Data Types: double
— Options for particleswarm
options created using optimoptions
Options for particleswarm
, specified as the
output of the optimoptions
Some options are absent from the optimoptions
These options are listed in italics. For details, see View Optimization Options.
CreationFcn | Function that creates the initial swarm. Specify as
Display | Level of display returned to the command line.
DisplayInterval | Interval for iterative display. The iterative display prints
one line for every DisplayInterval iterations.
Default is 1 . |
FunctionTolerance | Nonnegative scalar with default 1e-6 . Iterations
end when the relative change in best objective function value over
the last MaxStallIterations iterations is less
than options.FunctionTolerance . |
FunValCheck | Check whether objective function
and constraints values are valid. |
HybridFcn | Function that continues the optimization after
Can also be a cell array specifying the
hybrid function and its options, such as
InertiaRange | Two-element real vector with same sign values in increasing
order. Gives the lower and upper bound of the adaptive inertia. To
obtain a constant (nonadaptive) inertia, set both elements of InertiaRange to
the same value. Default is [0.1,1.1] . See Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. |
InitialPoints | Initial population or partial population of particles, specified as a matrix or a structure.
InitialSwarmSpan | Initial range of particle positions that
MaxIterations | Maximum number of iterations particleswarm takes.
Default is 200*nvars , where nvars is
the number of variables. |
MaxStallIterations | Positive integer with default 20 . Iterations
end when the relative change in best objective function value over
the last MaxStallIterations iterations is less
than options.FunctionTolerance . |
MaxStallTime | Maximum number of seconds without an improvement in the best
known objective function value. Positive scalar with default Inf . |
MaxTime | Maximum time in seconds that particleswarm runs.
Default is Inf . |
MinNeighborsFraction | Minimum adaptive neighborhood size, a scalar from 0 to 1 .
Default is 0.25 . See Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. |
ObjectiveLimit | Minimum objective value, a stopping criterion. Scalar, with
default -Inf . |
OutputFcn | Function handle or cell array of function handles. Output functions can read iterative data,
and stop the solver. Default is [] . See
Output Function and Plot Function. |
PlotFcn | Function name, function handle, or cell array of function handles. For custom plot functions,
pass function handles. Plot functions can read iterative
data, plot each iteration, and stop the solver. Default is
[] . Available built-in plot function:
'pswplotbestf' . See Output Function and Plot Function. |
SelfAdjustmentWeight | Weighting of each particle’s best position when adjusting
velocity. Finite scalar with default 1.49 . See Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. |
SocialAdjustmentWeight | Weighting of the neighborhood’s best position when adjusting
velocity. Finite scalar with default 1.49 . See Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. |
SwarmSize | Number of particles in the swarm, an integer greater than 1 .
Default is min(100,10*nvars) , where nvars is
the number of variables. |
UseParallel | Compute objective function in parallel when true .
Default is false . See Parallel or Vectorized Function Evaluation. |
UseVectorized | Compute objective function in vectorized fashion when true .
Default is false . See Parallel or Vectorized Function Evaluation. |
— Optimization problem
Optimization problem, specified as a structure with the following fields.
solver | 'particleswarm' |
objective | Function handle to the objective function, or name of the objective function. |
nvars | Number of variables in problem. |
lb | Vector or array of lower bounds. |
ub | Vector or array of upper bounds. |
options | Options created by optimoptions . |
rngstate | Optional state of the random number generator at the beginning of the solution process. |
Data Types: struct
Output Arguments
— Solution
real vector
Solution, returned as a real vector that minimizes the objective function subject to any bound constraints.
— Objective value
real scalar
Objective value, returned as the real scalar fun(x)
— Algorithm stopping condition
Algorithm stopping condition, returned as an integer identifying
the reason the algorithm stopped. The following lists the values of exitflag
the corresponding reasons particleswarm
| Relative change in the objective value over the last |
| Number of iterations exceeded |
| Iterations stopped by output function or plot function. |
| Bounds are inconsistent: for some |
| Best objective function value is below
| Best objective function value did not change within |
| Run time exceeded |
— Solution process summary
Solution process summary, returned as a structure containing information about the optimization process.
| Number of solver iterations |
| Number of objective function evaluations. |
| Reason the algorithm stopped. |
| Exit flag from the hybrid function. Relates to the
| State of the default random number generator just before the algorithm started. |
— Final swarm positions and objective function values
Final swarm positions and objective function values, returned as a structure with these fields:
— Positions of the final swarm, returned as a matrix. Each row of the matrix represents one point.Fval
— Objective function values of the final swarm. For eachi
, an index of a member of the final swarm,points.Fval(i) = fun(points.X(i))
To continue an optimization, you can pass points
as the
option. However, this approach is not
the same as running an optimization for a longer time from the beginning,
because many aspects of the algorithm are not identical when the
optimization restarts from a final population. See Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.
Data Types: struct
The problem-based Optimize Live Editor task currently does not support specifying multiple initial points or initial objective function values. To specify initial points, use the solver-based task, or use the command line.
For a description of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, see Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.
Alternative Functionality
The Optimize Live Editor task provides a visual interface for particleswarm
Extended Capabilities
Automatic Parallel Support
Accelerate code by automatically running computation in parallel using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
To run in parallel, set the 'UseParallel'
option to true
options = optimoptions('
For more information, see How to Use Parallel Processing in Global Optimization Toolbox.
Version History
Introduced in R2014bR2023b: Specify and obtain particleswarm
initial points, final positions, and objective function values
can now return the output
, a structure containing the final positions and
associated objective function values of the swarm. You can now provide the positions
and objective function values for the initial swarm using the
option. You can still provide the initial swarm
positions using the InitialSwarmMatrix
option or the
option. In these cases,
passes the initial swarm matrix as the
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