Divide one image into another or divide image by constant
Divide Two uint8 Arrays
This example shows how to divide two uint8
X = uint8([ 255 0 75; 44 225 100]); Y = uint8([ 50 50 50; 50 50 50 ]);
Divide each element in X
by the corresponding element in Y
. Note that fractional values greater than or equal to 0.5 are rounded up to the nearest integer.
Z = imdivide(X,Y)
Z = 2x3 uint8 matrix
5 0 2
1 5 2
Divide each element in Y
by the corresponding element in X
. Note that when dividing by zero, the output is truncated to the range of the integer type.
W = imdivide(Y,X)
W = 2x3 uint8 matrix
0 255 1
1 0 1
Divide Image Background
Read a grayscale image into the workspace.
I = imread('rice.png');
Estimate the background.
background = imopen(I,strel('disk',15));
Divide out the background from the image.
J = imdivide(I,background);
Display the original image and the processed image.
figure imshow(J,[])
Divide an Image by a Constant Factor
Read an image into the workspace.
I = imread('rice.png');
Divide each value of the image by a constant factor of 2.
J = imdivide(I,2);
Display the original image and the processed image.
figure imshow(J)
Input Arguments
— First array
numeric array | logical array
First array, specified as a numeric array or logical array of any dimension.
— Second array
numeric scalar | numeric array | logical array
Second array (divisor) to be divided from X
specified as a numeric or logical array of the same size and class as
, or a numeric scalar of type
Output Arguments
— Quotient
numeric array
Quotient, returned as a numeric array of the same size as
. Z
is the same class as
unless X
is logical, in
which case Z
is data type double
. If
is an integer array, elements of the output that
exceed the range of the integer type are truncated, and fractional values
are rounded.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
See Also
| imadd
| imcomplement
| imlincomb
| immultiply
| imsubtract
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