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Translate image


B = imtranslate(A,translation) translates image A by the 2-D or 3-D translation vector specified in translation.

If A has more than two dimensions and translation is a 2-element vector, then imtranslate applies the 2-D translation to each plane of A.


[B,RB] = imtranslate(A,RA,translation) translates the spatially referenced image A with its associated spatial referencing object RA. The translation vector, translation, is in the world coordinate system. The function returns the translated spatially referenced image B, with its associated spatial referencing object, RB.

___ = imtranslate(___,method) translates image A, using the interpolation method specified by method.

___ = imtranslate(___,Name,Value) translates the input image using name-value pairs to control various aspects of the translation.



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Read image into the workspace.

I = imread('pout.tif');

Translate the image.

J = imtranslate(I,[25.3, -10.1],'FillValues',255);

Display the original image and the translated image.

title('Original Image');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Original Image contains an object of type image.

title('Translated Image');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Translated Image contains an object of type image.

Read image into the workspace.

I = imread('pout.tif');

Translate the image. Use the OutputView parameter to specify that you want the entire translated image to be visible.

J = imtranslate(I,[25.3, -10.1],'FillValues',255,'OutputView','full');

Display the original image and the translated image.

title('Original Image');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Original Image contains an object of type image.

title('Full Translated Image');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Full Translated Image contains an object of type image.

Load MRI data into the workspace and display it.

s = load('mri');
mriVolume = squeeze(s.D);
sizeIn = size(mriVolume);
hFigOriginal = figure;
hAxOriginal  = axes;
grid on, shading interp, colormap gray

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type surface.

Apply a translation in the X,Y direction.

mriVolumeTranslated = imtranslate(mriVolume,[40,30,0],'OutputView','full');

Visualize the translation by viewing an axial slice plane taken through center of the volume. Note the shift in the X and Y directions.

sliceIndex = round(sizeIn(3)/2);
axialSliceOriginal   = mriVolume(:,:,sliceIndex);
axialSliceTranslated = mriVolumeTranslated(:,:,sliceIndex);


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Image to be translated, specified as a numeric array, logical array, or categorical array.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | logical | categorical

Spatial referencing information associated with the input image A, specified as an imref2d or imref3d spatial referencing object.

Translation vector, specified as a 2-element numeric vector [Tx Ty] or a 3-element numeric vector [Tx Ty Tz]. Values can be fractional.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32

Interpolation method, specified as one of these values.




Nearest-neighbor interpolation. The output pixel is assigned the value of the pixel that the point falls within. No other pixels are considered.

Nearest-neighbor interpolation is the only method supported for categorical images and it is the default method for images of this type.


Linear interpolation.

Linear interpolation is the default method for numeric and logical images.


Cubic interpolation.


Cubic interpolation can produce pixel values outside the original range.

Data Types: char | string

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: mriVolumeTranslated = imtranslate(mriVolume,[40,30,0],"OutputView","full");

Output world limits, specified as one of these values.

"same"Output world limits are the same as the input image.
"full"Output world limits are the bounding rectangle that includes both the input image and the translated output image.

Data Types: char | string

Fill values used for output pixels outside the input image, specified as one of the values in the table. imtranslate uses fill values for output pixels when the corresponding inverse transformed location in the input image is completely outside the input image boundaries.

The default fill value of numeric and logical images is 0. The default fill value of categorical images is missing, which corresponds to the <undefined> category.

Image Type

Translation Dimension

Format of Fill Values

2-D grayscale or logical image2-D
  • Numeric scalar

2-D color image or 2-D multispectral image2-D
  • Numeric scalar

  • c-element numeric vector specifying a fill value for each of the c channels. The number of channels, c, is 3 for color images.

Series of p 2-D images2-D

  • Numeric scalar

  • c-by-p numeric matrix. The number of channels, c, is 1 for grayscale images and 3 for color images.

N-D image2-D
  • Numeric scalar

  • Numeric array whose size matches dimensions 3-to-N of the input image A. For example, if A is 200-by-200-by-10-by-3, then FillValues can be a 10-by-3 array.

3-D grayscale or logical image3-D
  • Numeric scalar

Categorical image2-D or 3-D
  • Valid category in the image, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

  • missing, which corresponds to the <undefined> category. For more information, see missing.

Example: 255 fills a uint8 image with white pixels

Example: 1 fills a double image with white pixels

Example: [0 1 0] fills a double color image with green pixels

Example: [0 1 0; 0 1 1]', for a series of two double color images, fills the first image with green pixels and the second image with cyan pixels

Example: "vehicle" fills a categorical image with the "vehicle" category

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | string | char

Output Arguments

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Translated image, returned as a numeric, logical, or categorical array of the same data type as the input image, A.

Spatial referencing information associated with the output image, returned as an imref2d or imref3d spatial referencing object.


  • imtranslate is optimized for integrally valued translation vectors.

  • When OutputView is "full" and translation is a fractional number of pixels, then imtranslate expands the world limits of the output spatial referencing object to the nearest full pixel increment. imtranslate does this so that it contains both the original and translated images at the same resolution as the input image. The additional image extent in each is added on one side of the image, in the direction that the translation vector points. For example, when translation is fractional and positive in both X and Y, then imtranslate expands the maximum of XWorldLimits and YWorldLimits to enclose the "full" bounding rectangle at the resolution of the input image.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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