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Lidar sensor parameters

Since R2021b


A lidarParameters object stores the parameters of a lidar sensor. To convert unorganized point clouds into organized point clouds using the pcorganize function, you must specify these sensor parameters. For more information, see Lidar Sensor Parameters.



params = lidarParameters(sensorName,horizontalResolution) returns the sensor parameters of the specified sensor sensorName as a lidarParameters object. horizontalResolution specifies the HorizontalResolution property. Use this syntax to load the parameters of a supported sensor. See Supported Sensors.


params = lidarParameters(verticalResolution,verticalFoV,horizontalResolution) stores parameters for a uniform beam configuration lidar sensor. The verticalResolution, verticalFoV, and horizontalResolution arguments set the VerticalResolution, VerticalFoV, and HorizontalResolution properties, respectively.


params = lidarParameters(verticalBeamAngles,horizontalResolution) stores parameters for a gradient beam configuration lidar sensor. The verticalBeamAngles and horizontalResolution arguments set the VerticalBeamAngles and HorizontalResolution properties, respectively.


params = lidarParameters(___,Name=Value) specifies properties using one or more name-value arguments, in addition to any combination of input arguments from previous syntaxes. For example, lidarParameters("HDL32E",horizontalResolution,SweepStartAngle=180) specifies the start angle of the sensor sweep as 180 degrees.

Input Arguments

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Name of a supported sensor, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use this argument to load the parameters of a supported sensor. See Supported Sensors.

Number of channels in the horizontal direction, specified as a positive integer. Typical values include 512 and 1024.

Number of channels in the vertical direction, specified as a positive integer. Typical values include 32 and 64.

Vertical field-of-view of the lidar sensor, specified as a two-element vector.

Angular position of each vertical channel, specified as an N-element vector, in degrees. N is the verticalResolution of the sensor.


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This property is read-only.

Number of channels in the horizontal direction, stored as a positive integer.

Number of channels in the vertical direction, stored as a positive integer.

Vertical field-of-view of the lidar sensor, stored as a two-element vector, in degrees.

Angular position of each vertical channel, stored as an N-element vector, in degrees. N is the VerticalResolution of the sensor.

This property is read-only.

Horizontal field-of-view of the lidar sensor, stored as a positive scalar, in degrees.


You can specify this value at object creation as a name-value argument. For example, lidarParameters("HDL32E",horizontalResolution,HorizontalFoV=180) specifies the horizontal field-of-view covered by the sensor as 180 degrees. Otherwise, the function uses a default value of 360 degrees.

Horizontal angular resolution of the lidar sensor, stored as a positive scalar, in degrees.

Angular position of each horizontal channel, stored as an M-element vector, in degrees. M is the HorizontalResolution of the sensor.

Start angle of the lidar sensor sweep, stored as a nonnegative scalar, in degrees. This value must be less than 360 degrees.

These are the typical values for SweepStartAngle.

  • For Velodyne Lidar sensors the typical value is 90 degrees.

  • For Ouster® sensors, the typical value is:

    • 0 degrees when the point cloud is in the sensor coordinate system with the origin at sensor center.

    • 180 degrees when the point cloud is in the sensor coordinate system with the origin at sensor base.


You can specify this value at object creation as a name-value argument. For example, lidarParameters("HDL32E",horizontalResolution,SweepStartAngle=180) specifies the start angle of the sensor sweep as 180 degrees. Otherwise, the function uses a default value of 0.

Direction of sensor rotation, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0. A logical 1 indicates clockwise rotation and a logical 0 indicates anti-clockwise rotation.

Most sensors typically have clockwise rotation.


You can specify this value at object creation as a name-value argument. For example, lidarParameters("HDL32E",horizontalResolution,RotateClockwise=0) specifies anti-clockwise sensor rotation. Otherwise, the function uses a default value of 1, or clockwise rotation.


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Load point cloud data into the workspace.

fileName = fullfile(toolboxdir("lidar"),"lidardata","lcc","HDL64", ...
ptCloudUnorg = pcread(fileName);

Specify the horizontal resolution of the lidar sensor.

horizontalResolution = 1024;

Create a lidarParameters object that represents an HDL64E sensor with the specified horizontalResolution and a sweep start angle of 10 degrees.

params = lidarParameters('HDL64E',horizontalResolution,SweepStartAngle=10);

Convert the unorganized point cloud into an organized point cloud.

ptCloudOrg = pcorganize(ptCloudUnorg,params);

Display the dimensions of the input point cloud.

ans = 1×2

       37879           3

Display the size of the converted point cloud. pointCloud objects store organized point clouds as M-by-N-by-3 arrays, whereas they store unorganized point clouds as M-by-3 matrices

ans = 1×3

          64        1024           3

Define lidar sensor parameters.

verticalFoV = [2 -24.69];
verticalResolution = 32;
horizontalResolution = 512;

Define a lidarParmaters object.

params = lidarParameters(verticalResolution,verticalFoV,...
params = 
  lidarParameters with properties:

       HorizontalResolution: 512
         VerticalResolution: 32
                VerticalFoV: [2 -24.6900]
         VerticalBeamAngles: [2 1.1390 0.2781 -0.5829 -1.4439 -2.3048 -3.1658 -4.0268 -4.8877 -5.7487 -6.6097 -7.4706 -8.3316 -9.1926 -10.0535 -10.9145 -11.7755 -12.6365 -13.4974 -14.3584 -15.2194 -16.0803 -16.9413 -17.8023 -18.6632 ... ] (1x32 double)
              HorizontalFoV: 360
    HorizontalAngResolution: 0.7031
       HorizontalBeamAngles: [0 0.7031 1.4062 2.1094 2.8125 3.5156 4.2188 4.9219 5.6250 6.3281 7.0312 7.7344 8.4375 9.1406 9.8438 10.5469 11.2500 11.9531 12.6562 13.3594 14.0625 14.7656 15.4688 16.1719 16.8750 17.5781 18.2812 18.9844 ... ] (1x512 double)
            SweepStartAngle: 0
            RotateClockwise: 1

Define vertical beam angles of the sensor. Refer the data handbook of the sensor to find the beam angles. To learn more about beam configuration, see Lidar Sensor Parameters.

verticalBeamAngles = [15.0000 3.0000 1.5000 0.8333 0.1667 -0.5000 ...
                       -1.1667 -1.8333 -2.5000 -3.1667 -3.8333 -4.5000 ...
                       -5.1667 -5.8333 -9.0000 -13.0000];

Define horizontal resolution of the sensor.

horizontalResolution = 512;

Define a lidarParmaters object.

params = lidarParameters(verticalBeamAngles,horizontalResolution)
params = 
  lidarParameters with properties:

       HorizontalResolution: 512
         VerticalResolution: 16
                VerticalFoV: [15 -13]
         VerticalBeamAngles: [15 3 1.5000 0.8333 0.1667 -0.5000 -1.1667 -1.8333 -2.5000 -3.1667 -3.8333 -4.5000 -5.1667 -5.8333 -9 -13]
              HorizontalFoV: 360
    HorizontalAngResolution: 0.7031
       HorizontalBeamAngles: [0 0.7031 1.4062 2.1094 2.8125 3.5156 4.2188 4.9219 5.6250 6.3281 7.0312 7.7344 8.4375 9.1406 9.8438 10.5469 11.2500 11.9531 12.6562 13.3594 14.0625 14.7656 15.4688 16.1719 16.8750 17.5781 18.2812 18.9844 ... ] (1x512 double)
            SweepStartAngle: 0
            RotateClockwise: 1

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C/C++ Code Generation
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Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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