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Create Menus for GUIDE Apps


The GUIDE environment will be removed in a future release. After GUIDE is removed, existing GUIDE apps will continue to run in MATLAB® but they will not be editable in GUIDE.

To continue editing an existing GUIDE app, see GUIDE Migration Strategies for information on how to help maintain compatibility of the app with future MATLAB releases. To create new apps interactively, Develop Apps Using App Designer instead.

You can use GUIDE to create menu bars (containing pull-down menus) as well as context menus that you attach to components. You can create both types of menus using the Menu Editor. Access the Menu Editor from the Tools menu or click the Menu Editor button .

Menus for the Menu Bar

When you create a drop-down menu, GUIDE adds its title to the menu bar. You then can create menu items for that menu. Each menu item can have a cascading menu, also known as a submenu, and these items can have cascading menus, and so on.

How Menus Affect Figure Docking

By default, when you create a UI with GUIDE, it does not create a menu bar for that UI. You might not need menus for your UI, but if you want the user to be able to dock or undock the UI window, it must contain a menu bar or a toolbar. This is because docking is controlled by the docking icon, a small curved arrow near the upper-right corner of the menu bar or the toolbar, as the following illustration shows.

Figure windows with a standard menu bar also have a Desktop menu from which the user can dock and undock them.

To display the docking arrow and the Desktop > Dock Figure menu item, use the Property Inspector to set the figure property DockControls to 'on'. You must also set the MenuBar and/or ToolBar figure properties to 'figure' to display docking controls.

The WindowStyle figure property also affects docking behavior. The default is 'normal', but if you change it to 'docked', then the following applies:

  • The UI window opens docked in the desktop when you run it.

  • The DockControls property is set to 'on' and cannot be turned off until WindowStyle is no longer set to 'docked'.

  • If you undock a UI window created with WindowStyle 'docked', it will have not have a docking arrow unless the figure displays a menu bar or a toolbar (either standard or customized). When it has no docking arrow, users can undock it from the desktop, but will be unable to redock it there.

However, when you provide your own menu bar or toolbar using GUIDE, it can display the docking arrow if you want the UI window to be dockable.


UIs that are modal dialogs (figures with WindowStyle set to 'modal') cannot have menu bars, toolbars, or docking controls.

For more information, see the DockControls, MenuBar, ToolBar, and WindowStyle property descriptions in Figure Properties.

Add Standard Menus to the Menu Bar

The figure MenuBar property controls whether your UI displays the MATLAB standard menus on the menu bar. GUIDE initially sets the value of MenuBar to none. If you want your UI to display the MATLAB standard menus, use the Property Inspector to set MenuBar to figure.

  • If the value of MenuBar is none, GUIDE automatically adds a menu bar that displays only the menus you create.

  • If the value of MenuBar is figure, the UI displays the MATLAB standard menus and GUIDE adds the menus you create to the right side of the menu bar.

In either case, you can enable the user to dock and undock the window by setting the figure's DockControls property to 'on'.

Create a Menu

  1. Start a new menu by clicking the New Menu button in the toolbar. A menu title, Untitled 1, appears in the left pane of the dialog box.

    By default, GUIDE selects the Menu Bar tab when you open the Menu Editor.

  2. Click the menu title to display a selection of menu properties in the right pane.

  3. Fill in the Text and Tag fields for the menu. For example, set Text to File and set Tag to file_menu. Click outside the field for the change to take effect.

    Text is a text label for the menu item. To display the & character in a label, use two & characters. The words remove, default, and factory (case sensitive) are reserved. To use one of these as labels, prepend a backslash character (\). For example, \remove yields remove.

    Tag is a character vector that serves as an identifier for the menu object. It is used in the code to identify the menu item and must be unique in your code file.

Add Items to a Menu

Use the New Menu Item tool to create menu items that are displayed in the drop-down menu.

  1. Add an Open menu item under File, by selecting File then clicking the New Menu Item button in the toolbar. A temporary numbered menu item label, Untitled, appears.

  2. Fill in the Text and Tag fields for the new menu item. For example, set Text to Open and set Tag to menu_file_open. Click outside the field for the change to take effect.

You can also

  • Choose an alphabetic keyboard accelerator for the menu item with the Accelerator pop-up menu. In combination with Ctrl, this is the keyboard equivalent for a menu item that does not have a child menu. Note that some accelerators may be used for other purposes on your system and that other actions may result.

  • Display a separator above the menu item by checking Separator above this item.

  • Display a check next to the menu item when the menu is first opened by checking Check mark this item. A check indicates the current state of the menu item. See the example in Add Items to the Context Menu.

  • Enable this item when the menu is first opened by checking Enable this item. This allows the user to select this item when the menu is first opened. If you clear this option, the menu item appears dimmed when the menu is first opened, and the user cannot select it.

  • Specify the Callback function that executes when the users selects the menu item. If you have not yet saved the UI, the default value is %automatic. When you save the UI, and if you have not changed this field, GUIDE automatically sets the value using a combination of the Tag field and the UI file name. See Menu Item for more information about specifying this field and for programming menu items.

    The View button displays the callback, if there is one, in an editor. If you have not yet saved the UI, GUIDE prompts you to save it.

  • Open the Property Inspector, where you can change all menu properties, by clicking the More Properties button. For detailed information about the properties, see Menu.

See Menu Item and How to Update a Menu Item Check for programming information and basic examples.

Additional Drop-Down Menus

To create additional drop-down menus, use the New Menu button in the same way you did to create the File menu. For example, the following figure also shows an Edit drop-down menu.

Cascading Menus

To create a cascading menu, select the menu item that will be the title for the cascading menu, then click the New Menu Item button. In the example below, Edit is a cascading menu.

See Menu Item for information about programming menu items.

The following Menu Editor illustration shows three menus defined for the figure menu bar.

When you run the app, the menu titles appear in the menu bar.

Context Menus

A context menu is displayed when a user right-clicks the object for which the menu is defined. The Menu Editor enables you to define context menus and associate them with objects in the layout. The process has three steps:

See Menus for the Menu Bar for information about defining menus in general. See Menu Item for information about defining local callback functions for your menus.

Create the Parent Menu

All items in a context menu are children of a menu that is not displayed on the figure menu bar. To define the parent menu:

  1. Select the Menu Editor's Context Menus tab and select the New Context Menu button from the toolbar.

  2. Select the menu, and in the Tag field type the context menu tag (axes_context_menu in this example).

Add Items to the Context Menu

Use the New Menu Item button to create menu items that are displayed in the context menu.

  1. Add a Blue background color menu item to the menu by selecting axes_context_menu and clicking the New Menu Item tool. A temporary numbered menu item label, Untitled, appears.

  2. Fill in the Text and Tag fields for the new menu item. For example, set Text to Blue background color and set Tag to blue_background. Click outside the field for the change to take effect.

You can also modify menu items in these ways:

  • Display a separator above the menu item by checking Separator above this item.

  • Display a check next to the menu item when the menu is first opened by checking Check mark this item. A check indicates the current state of the menu item. See the example in Add Items to the Context Menu. See How to Update a Menu Item Check for a code example.

  • Enable this item when the menu is first opened by checking Enable this item. This allows the user to select this item when the menu is first opened. If you clear this option, the menu item appears dimmed when the menu is first opened, and the user cannot select it.

  • Specify a Callback for the menu that performs the action associated with the menu item. If you have not yet saved the UI, the default value is %automatic. When you save the UI, and if you have not changed this field, GUIDE automatically creates a callback in the code file using a combination of the Tag field and the UI file name. The callback's name does not display in the Callback field of the Menu Editor, but selecting the menu item does trigger it.

    You can also type a command into the Callback field. It can be any valid MATLAB expression or command. For example, this command

    set(gca, 'Color', 'y')
    sets the current axes background color to yellow. However, the preferred approach to performing this operation is to place the callback in the code file. This avoids the use of gca, which is not always reliable when several figures or axes exist. Here is a version of this callback coded as a function in the code file:
    function axesyellow_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
    % hObject    handle to axesyellow (see GCBO)
    % eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
    % handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
    This code sets the background color of the axes with Tag axes1 no matter to what object the context menu is attached to.

    If you enter a callback value in the Menu Editor, it overrides the callback for the item in the code file, if any has been saved. If you delete a value that you entered in the Callback field, the callback for the item in the code file is executed when the user selects that item in the UI.

    See Menu Item for more information about specifying this field and for programming menu items.

    The View button displays the callback, if there is one, in an editor. If you have not yet saved the UI, GUIDE prompts you to save it.

  • Open the Property Inspector, where you can change all menu properties except callbacks, by clicking the More Properties button. For detailed information about these properties, see ContextMenu.

Associate the Context Menu with an Object

  1. In the Layout Editor, select the object for which you are defining the context menu.

  2. Use the Property Inspector to set this object's ContextMenu property to the name of the desired context menu.

The following figure shows the ContextMenu property for the axes object with Tag property axes1.

In the code file, complete the local callback function for each item in the context menu. Each callback executes when a user selects the associated context menu item. See Menu Item for information on defining the syntax.

See How to Update a Menu Item Check for programming information and basic examples.

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