Depending on my generation settings, the clock naming conventions may vary in generated verilog for Simple Dual Port Ram blocks.
For instance, in one design, the DPRam has a clock port named simply, "clk". However, in a separate design which uses multiple clocks, the DPRam clock port gets the name "clk_1_16". The file names remain identical, however: "simpleDualPortRam_Wrapper_generic.v" and "simpleDualPortRam_Wrapper_generic.v".
As a result, when building my setup in the Xilinx Vivado environment, there will be a conflict between the multiple simpleDualPortRam_Wrapper_generic.v files with multiple clock port names.
Is there some way to either name the verilog files in accordance with the chosen block name internal to the model? Or if the files are going to be called "...generic", could they maintain a generic port naming convention?