fitting data with exponential + linear form

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
찬 소
찬 소 el 20 de Ag. de 2020
Respondida: Md Shariful Islam el 22 de Jun. de 2023
I want to fit my data into
y= a*exp(-x/b)+cx+d (exponential linear form).
I got number of data set of about 600.
If I put it in
y= a*exp(-x)+cx+d, it works although it doesn't fit 'best'
explinearfit = fittype({'exp(-x)','x','1'})
fo = fitoptions(explinearfit);
fo.normalize = 'on';
myFit = fit(t2,n,explinearfit);
legend('Data','Fitted graph')
title('Data and Fitted Curve')
clear opts
However, if I put 'b' inside the exponential, it goes way wrong.
explinearfit = fittype('a*exp(-x/b)+c*x+d')
fo = fitoptions(explinearfit);
fo.normalize = 'on';
myFit = fit(t2,n,explinearfit);
legend('Data','Fitted graph')
title('Data and Fitted Curve')
clear opts
How can I fix this?
The warning sign says that there are no starting points so they were randomly chosen.

Respuestas (2)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 20 de Ag. de 2020
Editada: Alan Stevens el 20 de Ag. de 2020
Try starting with the following guesses: a = 6E10, b = 4E-4, c = 0, d = -1.57E12.
explinearfit = fittype( @(a,b,c,d,x) a*exp(-x/b)+c*x+d );
(I'm guessing at the fittype as I don't have the Curve fitting toolbox myself!).
  4 comentarios
찬 소
찬 소 el 21 de Ag. de 2020
Yeap! I got the reasonable fit as well.
But how did you guess the initial values?
I think I might also have other sets of data.
Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens el 21 de Ag. de 2020
Editada: Alan Stevens el 21 de Ag. de 2020
First I looked at x = 0 and set a+d to a value near the top of the points. Then at the other end it looked as if the curve might be asymptotically horizontal, so, with x set at infinity, I set c = 0, and d to a value near the bottom of the points (thus allowing me to get a as well). I then just plotted the resulting curve against the points, starting with b = 1, and adjusted b until I got what looked like a reasonable fit by eye (it took about four guesses) . The constants were never going to be perfect, but were likely to provide a decent initial guess.

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Md Shariful Islam
Md Shariful Islam el 22 de Jun. de 2023
In this code, do we just need to declare the initial guesses(a = 6E10, b = 4E-4, c = 0, d = -1.57E12) before following code?
I was trying to reproduce the plot with best fit as I encounter similar issues. However, I could not get a good fit rather I am getting a fit like 2nd image.
May I get a working code for this problem?
explinearfit = fittype('a*exp(-x/b)+c*x+d')
fo = fitoptions(explinearfit);
fo.normalize = 'on';
myFit = fit(t2,n,explinearfit);
legend('Data','Fitted graph')
title('Data and Fitted Curve')


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