How to segment a voice signal into frames of 256 samples?

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How to segment a voice signal into frames of 256 samples?

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Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen el 25 de Feb. de 2013
Do you mean something like this?
x = rand(1024,1);
y = buffer(x,256);
  5 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 9 de Sept. de 2019
Saad Rehman comments to Honglei Chen:
for matlab 2016a version FRAMING is done via BUFFER function. Thumbs up!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 9 de Sept. de 2019
To recover the original signal after using buffer, use the (:) operator
buffered_signal = buffer(inputsignal, length_of_buffer);
reconstructed_signal = buffered_signal(:);
This assumes that no padding was needed and that there was no overlap used. If padding was needed then to reconstruct the original you would need to know the length of the original.

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Más respuestas (2)

guada el 16 de Mzo. de 2014
i think i also have a similar problem, could you also please help me with this: given a with 7.238 second duration and fs=16000, i need 25 msec per frame and overlaps 10 msec every succesive frame.

sufyan masood
sufyan masood el 23 de Jul. de 2018
how to decompose audio signal in transfered domain ?

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