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How to calculate distance between center of white pixels in an image?
You can find the center (centroid) of each white region using REGIONPROPS, and then just calculate the distance between the cent...
más de 5 años hace | 1
Calculating Angle Between Two Vectors / Three Points
The units on the axes are very different. Displacement is around +/- 3 while shear is around +/- 80, so the calculated angles f...
casi 6 años hace | 1
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solve and plot a system of nonlinear 2nd order differential equations
If you just need a plot and not a closed-form solution, then I'd recommend just using ODE45 without worrying about symbolic stuf...
casi 6 años hace | 1
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NaNやInfを透明にして、背景を黒にすることは一つにアイディアです。 例えば: rng(0); X = peaks(20); % 適当なデータを作成 X(randperm(numel(X),3)) = nan; % 適当にNaNを入れる X(r...
casi 6 años hace | 5
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Up-sampling in convolutional neural network
I think you may be able to do it using a transposedConv2dLayer. This works, (though I'm not entirely confident that this is the ...
alrededor de 6 años hace | 0
how to overlay(superimpose) contour plot(coloured) over a gray scale image
A grayscale image with a colored contour plot superimposed: % Make some sample grayscale image I = abs(sin((1:500)'/100)*sin((...
alrededor de 6 años hace | 1
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Simultaneously numerically integrate coupled ODE's in MATLAB
You can get dx2/dt by multiplying dx2/dx1 * dx1/dt. As a simple example say (I'll use x and y instead of x1 and x2 cause it's...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 0
I need to overlay a color map over a gray scale image with with the colorbar on the side.
Something like this maybe? figure; ax1 = axes; imagesc(x); colormap(ax1,'gray'); ax2 = axes; imagesc(ax2,T...
alrededor de 7 años hace | 5
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How can I plot the graph of a gyroid which is composed of 3 variables in the form of F(x,y,z)=t
fimplicit3(@(x,y,z) sin(x).*cos(y)+sin(y).*cos(z)+sin(z).*cos(x)) Note that for element-wise multiplication I made sure to ...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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割り算のところで / を使っていますが、それに点をつけて ./ にする必要があります。 ntf = @(x) abs(((1i*2*pi*x).^3)./((1i*2*pi*x).^3+k1*(1i*2*pi*x).^2+k2*(1i*2*p...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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まず出力したい信号にOutportをつなげて、 <> "sim" コマンドでモデルを実行し、出力の値を取得したらどうでしょうか。...
más de 7 años hace | 4
Vectorization, check if points coordinate is exist in an image or no
signVector = ones(size(coordinates,1),1); inds = sub2ind(size(N),coordinates(:,1),coordinates(:,2)); % Convert to linear in...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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How to find volume under fitted data?
If you have a function y = f(r), which it sounds like you do since you have a polynomial, then you can use integral. y = ...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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InterX issues. Showing intersection when there is none.
The intersections are actually there. The issue is just in plotting. Straight lines between two points aren't straight on a s...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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How do I solve a second order non linear differential equation using matlab.
syms z(t) t A B zp = diff(z,t); zpp = diff(z,t,2); eqn = ( zpp + A*zp^2 == B ); cond = [z(0)==0, zp(0)==0...
más de 7 años hace | 2
Moving a curve in one axis to ascertain area under the curve is zero
Calculate the value of the integral when d_opt = 0, and then use that to set d_opt to cancel the integral out. b = 0.1; ...
más de 7 años hace | 1
How to input transfer function without simplifying it?
s = tf('s') G = (s+2)/(s*(s-1)*(s+6)^2) This gives a transfer function (tf) with the polynomials expanded G = ...
más de 7 años hace | 5
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Matlab's quad equals 0 when over 0 to 6 and actual value over 3 to 5
First, QUAD is very outdated, < INTEGRAL> (introduced in R2012a) is recom...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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How to ensure text on plot always in front?
One workaround would be to create an invisible axes on top, and then put the text in there. figure ax1 = axes; mesh(a...
más de 7 años hace | 2
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複数入力があるときのモデル同定(System Identification toolbox)
はい、多入力多出力モデルの同定も可能です。 例えば: <
más de 7 años hace | 3
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looking for something similar for maximum filter calculation
Yes, in MATLAB the function is < IMDILATE>. The "NHOOD" argument is an...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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Applying equation to each field in a structure
For 4 variables, copy/pasting seems doable, but if you had a lot more I can see how it could be cumbersome. This is a soluti...
más de 7 años hace | 0
Would be possible to calculate half hour average by using retime?
Yes, there is an example a little bit down the in the documentation for < R...
más de 7 años hace | 1
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How to save an axes within a GUI to a .fig
This might work. You create a new (temporary and invisible) figure, and then use COPYOBJ to copy that axes to the new figure. Y...
más de 7 años hace | 4
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Is there any way I can make the attached contour plots more smooth ?
Maybe a median filter? However ORDFILT2 needs the Image Processing Toolbox. Z = peaks(501); % Sample data Z = Z +0.1*ran...
más de 7 años hace | 0
Why is getting Uniform Random Numbers so difficult!?!?
Try putting the seed value to: randi(intmax)
más de 7 años hace | 0
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Double integral with one integral having limits as a function of other variable
You can put functions inside of functions %% Embed A into fun_Z0, and tell INTEGRAL to only accept scalar inputs l1=3e...
más de 7 años hace | 0
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Where is the issue in my "while" statement?
You were on the right track. This gives 2520: n=1; while any( mod(n,1:10)~=0 ) n=n+1; end n Whe...
más de 7 años hace | 0
Numerical Integration with Parameters
For example, if the function is f(x) = 1+s*x+b*x^2 and you're integrating from 0 to 1, and you want to find the b (numerically) ...
más de 8 años hace | 0
System of differential equations with constant (as variables) coefficients
As has been mentioned, with the k's explicitly accounted for, it's very complicated. But if you consider the matrix X simply ...
más de 8 años hace | 2