Cyclomatic Complexity - MATLAB & Simulink

Cyclomatic Complexity

What Is Cyclomatic Complexity?

Cyclomatic complexity metrics are an important aspect of determining the quality of software. They provide insight into the overall code complexity of functions or software components by quantifying the number of linearly independent paths or decision logic. Cyclomatic complexity metrics are an important indicator of your source code’s readability, maintainability, and portability.

Static code analysis tools are typically used to calculate cyclomatic complexity and other code complexity metrics.

For more information, see Polyspace® products, which support these cyclomatic complexity calculation tasks:

  • Generating metrics for each version or build of software
  • Monitoring cyclomatic and other code complexity metrics in a web-based dashboard
  • Examining software detail by drilling down to the function level
  • Applying thresholds to check if certain software quality objectives have been met

See also: Static analysis with Polyspace products, verification, validation, and test, embedded systems, abstract interpretation, code review, cyclomatic complexity, formal methods, software metrics, software QA, software quality objectives, source code analysis, static code analysis