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Calculate and mark maximum radiation points of antenna or array on radiation pattern

Since R2024b


    peakRadiation(object,frequency) marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles on the 3-D radiation pattern of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.


    This function uses pattern function internally to plot the radiation pattern.


    peakRadiation(object,frequency,azimuth,elevation) marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles within a radiation pattern region of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. The radiation pattern region is defined by the azimuth and elevation arguments.

    This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.


    peakRadiation(___,Name=Value) marks the maximum radiation points and their corresponding azimuth and elevation angles on the 3-D radiation pattern or a specific pattern region of the specified array at the specified frequency using one or more Name-Value Arguments.

    This function plots maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.


    rad = peakRadiation(object,frequency) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi from the 3-D radiation pattern of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for the lossy antennas.

    rad = peakRadiation(object,frequency,azimuth,elevation) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi within a radiation pattern region of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. The radiation pattern region is defined by the azimuth and elevation arguments.

    This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.

    rad = peakRadiation(___,Name=Value) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi from the 3-D radiation pattern or a specific pattern region of the specified array at the specified frequency using one or more Name-Value Arguments.

    This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.

    [rad,az,el] = peakRadiation(object,frequency) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth and elevation angles from the 3-D radiation pattern of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.


    [rad,az,el] = peakRadiation(object,frequency,azimuth,elevation) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth and elevation angles within a radiation pattern region of the specified antenna or array at the specified frequency. The radiation pattern region is defined by the azimuth and elevation arguments.

    This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.

    [rad,az,el] = peakRadiation(___,Name=Value) calculates and returns the maximum radiation value in dBi and its corresponding azimuth and elevation angles from the 3-D radiation pattern or a specific pattern region of the specified array at the specified frequency using one or more Name-Value Arguments.

    This function returns maximum directivity for the lossless antennas and maximum gain for lossy antennas.



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    This example shows how to calculate the maximum directivity (in dBi) of a helix antenna at 2 GHz and mark it on the directivity pattern plot along with its azimuth and elevation angles (in degrees).

    Create Helix Antenna

    Create a helix antenna with a -45°tilt.

    ant = helix;
    ant.Tilt = -45;

    Calculate and Plot Maximum Directivity

    Calculate the maximum directivity (in dBi) and its azimuth and elevation angles (in degrees).

    [g,az,el] = peakRadiation(ant,2e9)
    g = 8.6993
    az = 90
    el = 45

    Mark the maximum directivity point on the directivity pattern plot.


    Figure contains 2 axes objects and other objects of type uicontrol. Axes object 1 contains 4 objects of type patch, surface. Hidden axes object 2 contains 19 objects of type surface, line, text, patch, scatter, quiver.

    This example shows how to use peakRadiation function to find maximum radiation in a particular region of interest.

    Create a crossed dipole antenna. Find its maximum radiation at 6 GHz in a particular region defined by -90 to 90 degrees azimuth and -45 to 45 degrees elevation.

    d = dipoleCrossed;

    Figure contains 2 axes objects and other objects of type uicontrol. Axes object 1 contains 6 objects of type patch, surface. Hidden axes object 2 contains 20 objects of type surface, line, text, patch, scatter, quiver.

    This example shows how to plot maximum radiation of an array and calculate maximum radiation of a particular array elements when the other elements are terminated.

    Create a linear array of 4 monopole antennas.

    l = linearArray(Element=monopole,NumElements=4);
    title("Linear Array of Monopoles")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Linear Array of Monopoles, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 14 objects of type patch, surface. These objects represent PEC, feed.

    Find and mark the maximum radiation point for this array at 72 MHz.


    Figure contains 2 axes objects and other objects of type uicontrol. Axes object 1 contains 14 objects of type patch, surface. Hidden axes object 2 contains 23 objects of type surface, line, text, patch, scatter, quiver.

    Calculate maximum radiation for the second antenna element in the array. Terminate other elements with a 75 ohm impedance.

    [rad,az,el] = peakRadiation(l,72e6,ElementNumber=2,Termination=75)
    rad = 
    az = 
    el = 

    Input Arguments

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    Antenna or array to calculate and plot the radiation peak, specified as one of these options:

    Example: yagiUda

    Frequency to calculate or plot the radiation peak, specified as a positive scalar in Hertz.

    Example: 70e6

    Data Types: double

    Azimuth angles to define a specific region from the 3-D radiation pattern, specified as a scalar for a single angle or a vector for a range of angles.

    Example: 45

    Example: –40:1:40

    Data Types: double

    Elevation angles to define a specific region from the 3-D radiation pattern, specified as a scalar for a single angle or a vector for a range of angles.

    Example: 45

    Example: –40:1:40

    Data Types: double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: ElementNumber=1

    Index of the antenna element in an array, specified as a positive integer scalar. This argument is only applicable when the object argument is specified as an array. This antenna element is connected to the voltage source. Use this argument to select an antenna element from the array and use its embedded pattern for maximum radiation calculation.

    Example: 2

    Data Types: double

    Impedance value for array element termination, specified as a positive scalar. This argument is only applicable when the object argument is specified as an array. The impedance value terminates other antenna elements of an array while calculating the embedded pattern of the antenna connected to the voltage source.

    Example: 75

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    Maximum radiation value, returned as a scalar or vector in dBi.

    Data Types: double

    Azimuth coordinate of maximum radiation point, returned as a scalar or vector in degrees.

    Data Types: double

    Azimuth coordinate of maximum radiation point, returned as a scalar or vector in degrees.

    Data Types: double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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