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Write mesh information to STL file


stlwrite(object,filename) writes the points and connectivity list of an antenna or array mesh to a STL file of specified name.



collapse all

Create a rectangular shape. Divide the shape into two triangles. Extract the shape vertices to determine the vertices of the triangles. Define the points connectivity list and use the triangulation function on this list and vertices.

w = shape.Rectangle;
v = getShapeVertices(w)
v = 4×3

   -0.5000   -1.0000         0
    0.5000   -1.0000         0
    0.5000    1.0000         0
   -0.5000    1.0000         0

c = [1 2 4; 2 3 4]
c = 2×3

     1     2     4
     2     3     4

tr = triangulation(c,v(:,1),v(:,2))
tr = 
  triangulation with properties:

              Points: [4x2 double]
    ConnectivityList: [2x3 double]

Create an STL file from the triangulation object.


The software creates the customPlatform STL file. in your current folder. Use this file to create a platform object and visualize the platform.

plat = platform(FileName="customPlatForm.stl", Units="m")
plat = 
  platform with properties:

         FileName: "customPlatForm.stl"
            Units: "m"
    UseFileAsMesh: 0
             Tilt: 0
         TiltAxis: [1 0 0]


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Platform object, xlabel x (m), ylabel y (m) contains 2 objects of type patch. This object represents PEC.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Antenna or array to write the mesh information, specified as one of the following options:

Example: patchMicrostrip

Example: circularArray

Example: customArrayGeometry

Name of STL file, specified as a string with .stl extension.

Example: "antenna_100MHz.stl"

Data Types: string

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also



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