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Configuración del ajuste de modelos de MATLAB

Modele sistemas de control en MATLAB® para el ajuste en la línea de comandos

Puede ajustar un sistema de control que se represente en MATLAB mediante un modelo de espacio de estados generalizado (genss). Cree dicho modelo interconectando elementos que representen los componentes fijos y ajustables de su sistema de control. Consulte Building Tunable Models.


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tfModelo de función de transferencia
zpkModelo de cero-polo-ganancia
ssModelo de espacio de estados
tunableGainTunable static gain block
tunableTFTunable transfer function with fixed number of poles and zeros
tunablePIDTunable PID controller
tunablePID2Tunable two-degree-of-freedom PID controller
tunableSSTunable fixed-order state-space model
realpReal tunable parameter
AnalysisPointPoints of interest for linear analysis
connectBlock diagram interconnections of dynamic systems
feedbackConexión de feedback de múltiples modelos


  • Building Tunable Models

    Build a control-system model for tuning with systune or looptune using numeric LTI models for fixed elements and control design blocks for the tunable elements.

  • Generalized Models

    Generalized models represent systems having a mixture of fixed coefficients and tunable or uncertain coefficients.

  • Models with Tunable Coefficients

    Use tunable models to model tunable components of control systems for parameter sampling or control system tuning.

  • Mark Signals of Interest for Control System Analysis and Design

    Analysis points allow you to access to internal signals, perform open-loop analysis, or specify requirements for controller tuning in systems modeled in either MATLAB or Simulink®.

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