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Infinite bound support for code generation

Since R2022b


bnd = optim.coder.infbound creates an infinite bound for use in code generation. bnd represents an infinite bound for code generation targets that do not support Inf.

bnd = optim.coder.infbound(sz) returns an infinite bound array of the same size as the argument sz. If sz is a scalar, the size of the returned array is sz-by-sz.


bnd = optim.coder.infbound(n1,n2,...,nt) returns an infinite bound array of size n1-by-n2-by-...-by-nt for the scalar values n1, n2,…,nt.


bnd = optim.coder.infbound(___,typename) specifies the data type (class) of bnd for any of the previous syntaxes.


bnd = optim.coder.infbound(___,"like",p) specifies that bnd has the same as the data type as the numeric variable p.



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Target hardware for code generation does not always accept Inf or –Inf as a bound. In this case, use optim.coder.infbound to represent the infinite bounds.

For example, suppose your problem has upper bounds of [Inf,1,10], meaning x(2) <= 1 and x(3) <= 10, and no upper bound on x(1). The problem also has lower bounds of [0,Inf,0], meaning x(1) >= 0 and x(3) >= 0, and no lower bound on x(2). You can represent these bounds in several ways.

ub1 = [optim.coder.infbound 1 10]
ub1 = 1×3

   Inf     1    10

lb1 = [0 -optim.coder.infbound 0]
lb1 = 1×3

     0  -Inf     0

% Or
ub = optim.coder.infbound(1,3);
ub(2) = 1;
ub(3) = 10
ub = 1×3

   Inf     1    10

lb = -optim.coder.infbound([1,3]);
lb(1) = 0;
lb(3) = 0
lb = 1×3

     0  -Inf     0

Some target hardware supports only "single" data. Use the typename or "like" syntaxes to generate appropriate bounds.

ub2 = [optim.coder.infbound("single") single(1) single(10)]
ub2 = 1x3 single row vector

   Inf     1    10

s0 = single(0);
lb2 = [s0 -optim.coder.infbound("like",s0) s0]
lb2 = 1x3 single row vector

     0  -Inf     0

These results are produced from running the code in MATLAB®, and show the MATLAB Inf output. When you run optim.coder.infbound for code generation, the resulting bounds are appropriate for the target hardware.

Copyright 2022–2024 The MathWorks, Inc.

Input Arguments

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Size of the returned Inf array, specified as a vector of nonnegative integers. Generally, the size of the returned array is sz(1)-by-sz(2)-by-...-by-sz(t), where t is the number of components of sz. However, if sz is a scalar, the size of the returned array is sz-by-sz.

If any entry in sz is zero, the returned array is empty.

Example: [2,3,1,4]

Data Types: double

Size of an Inf array component, specified as a nonnegative integer. If n is 0, the returned array is empty.

Example: 2

Data Types: double

Output data type, specified as "double" or "single". If you Disable Support for Nonfinite Numbers (MATLAB Coder) (for example, by setting NonFiniteSupport to false in the associated code generation configuration object), the output entries are realmax(typename).

You cannot specify both typename and "like",p.

Currently, only fmincon supports single-precision code generation.

Data Types: char | string

Output data prototype, specified as a numeric variable of class "double" or "single". If you Disable Support for Nonfinite Numbers (MATLAB Coder) (for example, by setting NonFiniteSupport to false in the associated code generation configuration object), the output entries are realmax(class(p)).

You cannot specify both typename and "like",p.

Currently, only fmincon supports single-precision code generation.

Data Types: char | string

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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