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RF Budget Analysis

Calculate power, gain, noise, and intermodulation budget for RF cascade elements

You can perform budget analysis of RF networks using the RF Budget Analyzer app or an rfbudget object. You can subsequently perform full circuit envelope or time domain simulation using an rfsystem System object™.


RF Budget AnalyzerAnalyze gain, noise figure, IP2, and IP3 of cascaded RF elements and export to RF Blockset


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rfbudgetCreate RF budget object and compute RF budget results for chain of 2-port elements
rfsystemGenerate RF Blockset model and perform circuit envelope or idealized baseband simulation (Since R2021a)
attenuatorCreate two-port attenuator element (Since R2021a)
rfantennaCreate antenna element modeled as transmitter, receiver, or transmit-receive (Since R2021a)
rffilterCreate Butterworth, Chebyshev, and inverse Chebyshev RF filter
nportCreate linear n-port circuit element
seriesRLCCreate two-port series RLC circuit (Since R2021a)
shuntRLCCreate two-port shunt RLC circuit (Since R2021a)
phaseshiftCreate phase-shift circuit (Since R2021b)
mutualInductorCreate mutual inductor element (Since R2023a)
txlineCoaxialCreate coaxial transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineCPWCreate coplanar waveguide transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineMicrostripCreate microstrip transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineParallelPlateCreate parallel-plate transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineLumpedCreate lumped transmission line (Since R2023a)
txlineRLCGLineCreate RLCG line transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineTwoWireCreate two-wire transmission line (Since R2020b)
txlineStriplineCreate stripline transmission line element (Since R2022a)
txlineEquationBasedCreate equation-based transmission line (Since R2021a)
txlineDelayLosslessCreate delay lossless transmission line (Since R2021a)
txlineDelayLossyCreate delay lossy transmission line (Since R2021a)
txlineElectricalLengthCreate electrical-length-based transmission line (Since R2021b)
amplifierCreate two-port amplifier element
modulatorModulator object
rfelementGeneric RF element object
mixerIMTCreate IMT mixer element (Since R2022a)


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showDisplay RF budget object in RF Budget Analyzer app
rfplotPlot cumulative RF budget result vs. cascade input frequency and amplifier power characteristics
smithplotPlot measurement data on a Smith chart
polarPlot specified object parameters on polar coordinates


computeBudgetCompute results of RF budget object
computeAMPMTable Compute AM/AM-AM/PM table representation from RF budget object (Since R2024b)


exportRFBlocksetExport RF budget object to RF Blockset Model
exportScriptExport MATLAB code that generates RF budget object
exportTestbenchExport RF budget object to RF Blockset measurement testbench model
exportTransmitterExport RF budget summary to create phased transmitter (Since R2024b)
exportReceiverExport RF budget summary to create phased receiver (Since R2024b)
open_systemOpen RF Blockset model created using rfsystem (Since R2021a)
save_systemSave RF Blockset model created using rfsystem (Since R2021a)
close_systemClose RF Blockset model window created using rfsystem (Since R2021a)
hide_systemHide RF Blockset model window created using rfsystem (Since R2021a)
load_systemLoad RF Blockset model to memory (Since R2022a)


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