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Statistical Visualization

View data patterns and trends

You can use Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ functions to visualize:

  • Single-variable distributions — Create univariate plots, such as box plots and histograms.

  • Relationships between two variables — Create bivariate plots, such as grouped scatter plots and bivariate histograms.

  • Relationships between multiple variables — Create multivariate plots, such as Andrews, parallel coordinates, and glyph plots.

You can customize your plot by adding case names, least-squares lines, and reference curves.

For more plots, see Data Distribution Plots.


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andrewsplotAndrews plot
binScatterPlotScatter plot of bins for tall arrays
boxplotVisualize summary statistics with box plot
gplotmatrixMatrix of scatter plots by group
glyphplotGlyph plot
gscatterScatter plot by group
hist3Bivariate histogram plot
parallelcoordsParallel coordinates plot
scatterhistScatter plot with marginal histograms
glineAdd line to plot interactively
gnameAdd case names to plot
lslineAdd least-squares line to scatter plot
refcurveAdd reference curve to plot
reflineAdd reference line to plot


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