R2025a Prerelease Key Known Issues - MATLAB & Simulink

R2025a Prerelease Key Known Issues

Simulink: Dashboard Panel App Does Not Render

Description: In Simulink, you can deploy a dashboard panel as a standalone app or a web app, but the app does not render in the standalone executable or on the web server.

Workaround: None

Simulink: Error when comparing or merging Simulink models 

Description: When comparing or merging Simulink models using visdiff, mlDiff, mlMerge or any ‘compare’ GUI options, the comparison and merge tools do not open and display this error: "No method 'sldiff.internal.diff' with matching signature found."

Workaround: None

Wireless Testbench Support Package for NI USRP Radios: Missing Information in Radio Setup Wizard Panels

Description: When using the Radio Setup wizard to set up a radio for use with Wireless Testbench, tables on the Configure Network and Validate Setup steps appear blank. This prevents you from setting up your radio using the wizard.

Workaround: None

Multiple Products: Unable to resolve .NET classes like ‘System.Diagnostics.Process’

Description: Some .NET classes under a namespace below “System” may not be resolved by MATLAB when invoked the first time. For example, System.Diagnostics.Process.

Workaround: Invoke the function again.

For more information on bugs potentially fixed in the prerelease, view the Bug Reports.


If you have any questions, please submit a service request or call Technical Support at 508-647-7000.

Content updated: December 18, 2024

R2025a Prerelease

Preview and test the next product release.