What Is Simulink Control Design?
Simulink Control Design™ lets you design and analyze control systems modeled in Simulink®. You can automatically tune arbitrary SISO and MIMO control architectures, including PID controllers. You can find operating points and compute exact linearizations of Simulink models at various operating conditions. Simulink Control Design provides tools that let you compute simulation-based frequency responses without modifying your model. You can deploy prebuilt control algorithms for online frequency response estimation, PID tuning, and adaptive control on hardware for control design and analysis.
Published: 21 Sep 2017
Simulink Control Design, lets you analyze and design control systems modeled in Simulink. You can automatically tune PID controllers, design arbitrary SISO and MIMO controller architectures, and linear asymmetric models to study their behavior around specific operating points. You can deploy pre-built control algorithms for online frequency response estimation, PID tuning, and adaptive control on hardware, control design, and analysis.
You can tune a PID controller for a plant model in Simulink by using the PID tuner that automatically linearizes the model, calculates PID gains, and plots a closed-loop response. To tune more complex architectures modeled in Simulink, use interactive techniques, such as Root locus and Bode plot. Alternatively, you can automatically tune all parameters of a fixed structure SISO or MIMO control system by selecting blocks to tune, specifying time and frequency domain requirements, then updating Simulink block parameters with tuned values.
You can linearize Simulink models at around any operating points, examine the linear models in time and frequency domain to analyze stability and dynamic characteristics. If a model cannot be linearized analytically, you can compute simulation-based frequency response of the model by running sine waves, pseudo random binary sequences or chirp signals through it.
Further, you can deploy a pre-built embedded estimation algorithm as a standalone application for a real-time frequency response estimation. You can also generate code to deploy PID auto tuning algorithms for model-free tuning on hardware in real time. You can implement data-driven and learning-based control techniques that can achieve desired reference tracking, despite uncertainties in plant dynamics and disturbances. For more information on Simulink control design, please look at the product page on mathworks.com and download a trial.