ADALM-PLUTO Radio Support from Communications Toolbox
Prototype and test software-defined radio (SDR) systems using Analog Devices ADALM-PLUTO with MATLAB and Simulink
Capabilities and Features
Communications Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices® ADALM-PLUTO Radio (PlutoSDR) enables you to use MATLAB and Simulink to prototype, verify, and test practical wireless systems. Using this support package with a PlutoSDR, you can work with live RF signals, such as FM radio, airplane surveillance signals (ADS-B), and WLAN signals. This enables you to test your design under real-world conditions.
Support highlights include:
- PlutoSDR as an I/O peripheral to transmit and receive streaming RF signals
- Configurable center frequency from 70 MHz to 6.0GHz.*
- Configurable sample rate between 520 kHz and 61.44 MHz
*The AD9363 RF in the Pluto SDR is specified to operate from 325MHz to 3.8GHz. This support package reconfigures the radio to operate over a wider tuning range.
To purchase the ADALM-PLUTO, visit the Analog Devices web site.
Download course materials for an Introductory Communication Systems Course using SDR.
Get MATLAB and Simulink Products
Wireless engineers, students, and hobbyists can receive and decode real-world radio signals using Communications Toolbox and ADALM-PLUTO radio hardware.
Learn about the pricing and licensing options for buying Communications Toolbox and its required products.
Platform and Release Support
See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.
View enhancements and bug fixes in release notes.