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Calculate S-parameters for antenna or array


    sobj = sparameters(antenna,freq) calculates the complex S-parameter for an antenna over specified frequency values.


    sobj = sparameters(antenna,freq,Z0) calculates the complex S-parameter for an antenna over specified frequency values and with a reference impedance Z0.

    sobj = sparameters(array,freq) calculates the complex S-parameters for an array over specified frequency values.


    sobj = sparameters(array,freq,Z0) calculates the complex S-parameters for an array over specified frequency values and with a reference impedance Z0.

    sobj = sparameters(filename) creates an S-parameter object sobj by importing data from the Touchstone file specified by filename.


    sobj = sparameters(data,freq) creates an S-parameter object from the S-parameter data data, and frequencies freq.

    sobj = sparameters(data,freq,Z0) creates an S-parameter object from the S-parameter data data, and frequencies freq, with a reference impedance Z0.

    sobj = sparameters(netparamobj) converts the network parameter object, netparamobj, to S-parameter object with the default reference impedance.

    sobj = sparameters(netparamobj,Z0) converts the network parameter object netparamobj to S-parameter object with a reference impedance Z0.

    sobj = sparameters(___,UseParallel = true) uses the Parallel Computing Toolbox™ to perform S-parameter calculations for each frequency in parallel. To use this feature, you need a license to the Parallel Computing Toolbox.


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    Calculate the complex s-parameters for a default dipole at 70MHz frequency.

     h = dipole
    h = 
      dipole with properties:
            Length: 2
             Width: 0.1000
        FeedOffset: 0
         Conductor: [1x1 metal]
              Tilt: 0
          TiltAxis: [1 0 0]
              Load: [1x1 lumpedElement]
    ans = 
      sparameters with properties:
          Impedance: 50
           NumPorts: 1
         Parameters: 0.1872 - 0.0028i
        Frequencies: 70000000

    Calculate the complex s-parameters for a default rectangular array at 70MHz frequency.

    h = rectangularArray
    h = 
      rectangularArray with properties:
               Element: [1x1 dipole]
                  Size: [2 2]
            RowSpacing: 2
         ColumnSpacing: 2
               Lattice: 'Rectangular'
        AmplitudeTaper: 1
            PhaseShift: 0
                  Tilt: 0
              TiltAxis: [1 0 0]
    s = sparameters(h,70e6);
    ans = 4×4 complex
       0.3044 - 0.0811i  -0.0579 - 0.2369i  -0.0580 - 0.2369i  -0.0248 - 0.0707i
      -0.0579 - 0.2369i   0.3045 - 0.0812i  -0.0248 - 0.0707i  -0.0580 - 0.2370i
      -0.0580 - 0.2369i  -0.0248 - 0.0707i   0.3044 - 0.0811i  -0.0579 - 0.2369i
      -0.0248 - 0.0707i  -0.0580 - 0.2370i  -0.0579 - 0.2369i   0.3045 - 0.0812i

    Extract S-parameters from corrugatedconicalhorn.s2p touchstone file.

    sobj = sparameters("corrugatedconicalhorn.s2p");
    sobj = 
      sparameters with properties:
          Impedance: 50
           NumPorts: 1
         Parameters: [1x1x11 double]
        Frequencies: [11x1 double]

    Plot the S-parameters data using rfplot function.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains an object of type line. This object represents dB(S_{11}).

    Input Arguments

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    Antenna to calculate S-parameters, specified as one of the following options:

    Example: dipole

    Array to calculate S-parameters, specified as one of the following options:

    Example: linearArray

    Example: array(pcbStack,"linear")

    Frequency to calculate S-parameters, specified as a scalar for a single frequency or a vector for a frequency range in Hertz. For vector frequencies, specify the values in lowest to highest order.

    Example: [500e6 550e6 600e6]

    Reference impedance in Ohms, specified as a positive real scalar. You cannot specify Z0 if you are importing data from a file. The argument Z0 is optional and is stored in the Impedance property.

    S-parameter data, specified as an array of complex numbers, of size N-by-N-by-K where K represents number of frequency points.

    Network parameter object. The network parameter objects are of the type: sparameters (RF Toolbox), yparameters (RF Toolbox), zparameters (RF Toolbox), gparameters (RF Toolbox), hparameters (RF Toolbox), abcdparameters (RF Toolbox), and tparameters (RF Toolbox).

    Example: S1 = sparameters(Y1,100). Y1 is a parameter object. This example converts Y-parameters to S-parameters at 100 ohms.

    Touchstone data file, specified as a character vector, that contains network parameter data. filename can be the name of a file on the MATLAB® path or the full path to a file.

    Example: sobj = sparameters("defaultbandpass.s2p");

    Option to enable parallel pool, specified as a logical value. The default value is false. Set the flag to true or 1 to enable the parallel pool. Use parallel pool to speedup the S-parameter calculations at multiple frequencies for computationally large antennas and arrays.

    Example: UseParallel=true

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

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    S-parameter data, returned as an object. disp(sobj) returns the properties of the object:

    • NumPorts — Number of ports, specified as an integer. The function calculates this value automatically when you create the object.

    • Frequencies — S-parameter frequencies, specified as a K-by-1 vector of positive real numbers sorted from smallest to largest. The function sets this property from the filename or freq input arguments.

    • Parameters — S-parameter data, specified as an N-by-N-by-K array of complex numbers. The function sets this property from the filename or data input arguments.

    • Impedance — Reference impedance in ohms, specified as a positive real scalar. The function sets this property from the filename or Z0 input arguments. If no reference impedance is provided, the function uses a default value of 50.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2015a

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