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Short Names of Bug Finder Defect Groups and Defect Checkers

To justify defects through code annotations, use the checker command-line names, or short names, listed in Bug Finder Defect Checkers Short Names.

You can also enable the detection of a specific defect by using its checker short name as argument of the -checkers option. Instead of listing individual defects, specify groups of defects by the group name, for instance, numerical, data_flow, and so on.

See Find defects (-checkers) and Bug Finder Defect Groups.

Bug Finder Defect Groups Short Names

Defect GroupCommand-Line Parameter
C++ Exception Defectscpp_exceptions
Concurrency Defectsconcurrency
Cryptography Defectscryptography
Data Flow Defectsdata_flow
Dynamic Memory Defectsdynamic_memory
Good Practice Defectsgood_practice
Numerical Defectsnumerical
Object Oriented Defectsobject_oriented
Performance Defectsperformance
Programming Defectsprogramming
Resource Management Defectsresource_management
Static Memory Defectsstatic_memory
Security Defectssecurity
Tainted Data Defectstainted_data

Bug Finder Defect Checkers Short Names

DefectCommand-line Name
*this not returned in copy assignment operator RETURN_NOT_REF_TO_THIS
Abnormal termination of exit handler EXIT_ABNORMAL_HANDLER
Absorption of float operand FLOAT_ABSORPTION
Accessing object with temporary lifetime TEMP_OBJECT_ACCESS
Alignment changed after memory reallocationALIGNMENT_CHANGE
Alternating input and output from a stream without flush or positioning callIO_INTERLEAVING
Ambiguous declaration syntaxMOST_VEXING_PARSE
A move operation may throwMOVE_OPERATION_MAY_THROW
Arithmetic operation with NULL pointer NULL_PTR_ARITH
Array access out of bounds OUT_BOUND_ARRAY
Array access with tainted index TAINTED_ARRAY_INDEX
Assertion ASSERT
Asynchronously cancellable threadASYNCHRONOUSLY_CANCELLABLE_THREAD
Atomic load and store sequence not atomicATOMIC_VAR_SEQUENCE_NOT_ATOMIC
Atomic variable accessed twice in an expressionATOMIC_VAR_ACCESS_TWICE
Automatic or thread local variable escaping from a threadLOCAL_ADDR_ESCAPE_THREAD
Bad file access mode or status BAD_FILE_ACCESS_MODE_STATUS
Bad order of dropping privileges BAD_PRIVILEGE_DROP_ORDER
Base class assignment operator not called MISSING_BASE_ASSIGN_OP_CALL
Base class destructor not virtual DTOR_NOT_VIRTUAL
Bitwise and arithmetic operation on the same data BITWISE_ARITH_MIX
Bitwise operation on negative value BITWISE_NEG
Blocking operation while holding lockBLOCKING_WHILE_LOCKED
Buffer overflow from incorrect string format specifier STR_FORMAT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
Bytewise operations on nontrivial class objectMEMOP_ON_NONTRIVIAL_OBJ
C++ reference to const-qualified type with subsequent modificationWRITE_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_TYPE
C++ reference type qualified with const or volatileCV_QUALIFIED_REFERENCE_TYPE
Call through non-prototyped function pointerUNPROTOTYPED_FUNC_CALL
Call to memset with unintended value MEMSET_INVALID_VALUE
Character value absorbed into EOF CHAR_EOF_CONFUSED
Closing a previously closed resource DOUBLE_RESOURCE_CLOSE
Code deactivated by constant false condition DEACTIVATED_CODE
Command executed from externally controlled path TAINTED_PATH_CMD
Constant block cipher initialization vector CRYPTO_CIPHER_CONSTANT_IV
Const parameter values may cause unnecessary data copiesCONST_PARAMETER_VALUE
Const return values may cause unnecessary data copiesCONST_RETURN_VALUE
Const rvalue reference parameter may cause unnecessary data copiesCONST_RVALUE_REFERENCE_PARAMETER
Const std::move input may cause a more expensive object copyEXPENSIVE_STD_MOVE_CONST_OBJECT
Context initialized incorrectly for cryptographic operation CRYPTO_PKEY_INCORRECT_INIT
Context initialized incorrectly for digest operation CRYPTO_MD_BAD_FUNCTION
Conversion or deletion of incomplete class pointerINCOMPLETE_CLASS_PTR
Copy constructor not called in initialization list MISSING_COPY_CTOR_CALL
Copy of overlapping memory OVERLAPPING_COPY
Copy operation modifying source operandCOPY_MODIFYING_SOURCE
Critical data member is not privateCRITICAL_DATA_MEMBER_DECLARED_PUBLIC
C string from string::c_str() compared to pointerSTD_STRING_C_STR_COMPARED_TO_POINTER
Data race DATA_RACE
Data race on adjacent bit fieldsDATA_RACE_BIT_FIELDS
Data race through standard library function call DATA_RACE_STD_LIB
Dead code DEAD_CODE
Deallocation of previously deallocated pointer DOUBLE_DEALLOCATION
Declaration mismatch DECL_MISMATCH
Declaration of catch for generic exceptionCATCH_FOR_GENERIC_EXCEPTION
Declaration of throw for generic exceptionTHROW_FOR_GENERIC_EXCEPTION
Delete of void pointer DELETE_OF_VOID_PTR
Destination buffer overflow in string manipulation STRLIB_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
Destination buffer underflow in string manipulation STRLIB_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW
Destruction of locked mutex DESTROY_LOCKED
Deterministic random output from constant seed RAND_SEED_CONSTANT
Double lock DOUBLE_LOCK
Double unlock DOUBLE_UNLOCK
Duplicated codeDUPLICATED_CODE
Empty destructors may cause unnecessary data copiesEMPTY_DESTRUCTOR_DEFINED
Environment pointer invalidated by previous operation INVALID_ENV_POINTER
Errno not checked ERRNO_NOT_CHECKED
Exception caught by value EXCP_CAUGHT_BY_VALUE
Exception handler hidden by previous handler EXCP_HANDLER_HIDDEN
Execution of a binary from a relative path can be controlled by an external actor RELATIVE_PATH_CMD
Execution of externally controlled command TAINTED_EXTERNAL_CMD
Expensive member initializationEXPENSIVE_MEMBER_INITIALIZATION
Expensive std::function type definitionEXPENSIVE_STD_FUNCTION
Expensive unused objectEXPENSIVE_UNUSED_OBJECT
Expensive use of map instead of setEXPENSIVE_USE_OF_MAP_INSTEAD_OF_SET
Expensive use of std::any_castEXPENSIVE_ANY_CAST
Expensive allocation in loopEXPENSIVE_ALLOC_IN_LOOP
Expensive constant std::string constructionEXPENSIVE_CONSTANT_STD_STRING
Expensive copy in a range-based for loop iterationEXPENSIVE_RANGE_BASED_FOR_LOOP_ITERATION
Expensive dynamic castEXPENSIVE_DYNAMIC_CAST
Expensive local variable copyEXPENSIVE_LOCAL_VARIABLE
Expensive logical operationEXPENSIVE_LOGICAL_OPERATION
Expensive pass by valueEXPENSIVE_PASS_BY_VALUE
Expensive post-increment operationEXPENSIVE_POST_INCREMENT
Expensive return by valueEXPENSIVE_RETURN_BY_VALUE
Expensive return caused by unnecessary std::moveEXPENSIVE_RETURN_STD_MOVE
Expensive return of a const objectEXPENSIVE_RETURN_CONST_OBJECT
Expensive use of a standard algorithm when a more efficient method existsEXPENSIVE_USE_OF_STD_ALGORITHM
Expensive use of container's count methodEXPENSIVE_CONTAINER_COUNT
Expensive use of container's insertion methodEXPENSIVE_CONTAINER_INSERTION
Expensive use of container's size methodEXPENSIVE_CONTAINER_EMPTINESS_CHECK
Expensive use of map's bracket operator to insert or assign a valueEXPENSIVE_MAP_INSERT_OR_ASSIGN
Expensive use of non-member std::string operator+() instead of a simple appendEXPENSIVE_STD_STRING_APPEND
Expensive use of std::string methods instead of more efficient overloadEXPENSIVE_USE_OF_STD_STRING_METHODS
Expensive use of std::string with empty string literalUNNECESSARY_EMPTY_STRING_LITERAL
Expensive use of string functions from the C standard libraryEXPENSIVE_USE_OF_C_STRING_API
Expensive use of substr() to shorten a std::stringEXPENSIVE_STD_STRING_RESIZE
File access between time of check and use (TOCTOU) TOCTOU
File descriptor exposure to child processFILE_EXPOSURE_TO_CHILD
File does not compilefile_does_not_compile
File manipulation after chroot() without chdir("/") CHROOT_MISUSE
Float conversion overflow FLOAT_CONV_OVFL
Float division by zero FLOAT_ZERO_DIV
Floating point comparison with equality operators BAD_FLOAT_OP
Float overflow FLOAT_OVFL
Format string specifiers and arguments mismatch STRING_FORMAT
Function called from signal handler not asynchronous-safeSIG_HANDLER_ASYNC_UNSAFE
Function called from signal handler not asynchronous-safe (strict)SIG_HANDLER_ASYNC_UNSAFE_STRICT
Function pointer assigned with absolute address FUNC_PTR_ABSOLUTE_ADDR
Function that can spuriously fail not wrapped in loopSPURIOUS_FAILURE_NOT_WRAPPED_IN_LOOP
Function that can spuriously wake up not wrapped in loopSPURIOUS_WAKEUP_NOT_WRAPPED_IN_LOOP
Hard-coded buffer size HARD_CODED_BUFFER_SIZE
Hard-coded loop boundary HARD_CODED_LOOP_BOUNDARY
Hard-coded object size used to manipulate memory HARD_CODED_MEM_SIZE
Hard-coded sensitive dataHARD_CODED_SENSITIVE_DATA
Host change using externally controlled elements TAINTED_HOSTID
Improper array initialization IMPROPER_ARRAY_INIT
Improper erase-remove idiomSTD_REMOVE_WITHOUT_ERASE
Inappropriate I/O operation on device filesINAPPROPRIATE_IO_ON_DEVICE
Incompatible padding for RSA algorithm operation CRYPTO_RSA_BAD_PADDING
Incompatible types prevent overriding VIRTUAL_FUNC_HIDING
Inconsistent cipher operations CRYPTO_CIPHER_BAD_FUNCTION
Incorrect data type passed to va_arg VA_ARG_INCORRECT_TYPE
Incorrect key for cryptographic algorithm CRYPTO_PKEY_INCORRECT_KEY
Incorrectly indented statementINCORRECT_INDENTATION
Incorrect order of network connection operations BAD_NETWORK_CONNECT_ORDER
Incorrect test registration or definitionPSTUNIT_MISUSE_REGISTRATION
Incorrect use of mocking APIPSTUNIT_MISUSE_MOCKING
Incorrect use of test fixturesPSTUNIT_MISUSE_FIXTURES
Incorrect use of test setup/teardown APIPSTUNIT_MISUSE_SETUP_TEARDOWN
Incorrect pointer scaling BAD_PTR_SCALING
Incorrect syntax of flexible array member sizeFLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER_INCORRECT_SIZE
Incorrect type data passed to va_startVA_START_INCORRECT_TYPE
Incorrect use of offsetof in C++OFFSETOF_MISUSE
Incorrect use of va_startVA_START_MISUSE
Incorrect value forwardingINCORRECT_VALUE_FORWARDING
Inefficient string length computationINEFFICIENT_BASIC_STRING_LENGTH
Inefficient use of for loopPREFER_RANGE_BASED_FOR_LOOPS
Inefficient use of sprintfinefficient_sprintf
Infinite loopINFINITE_LOOP
Information leak via structure padding PADDING_INFO_LEAK
Inline constraint not respected INLINE_CONSTRAINT_NOT_RESPECTED
Integer constant overflowINT_CONSTANT_OVFL
Integer conversion overflow INT_CONV_OVFL
Integer division by zero INT_ZERO_DIV
Integer overflow INT_OVFL
Integer precision exceededINT_PRECISION_EXCEEDED
Invalid assumptions about memory organization INVALID_MEMORY_ASSUMPTION
Invalid deletion of pointer BAD_DELETE
Invalid file positionINVALID_FILE_POS
Invalid free of pointer BAD_FREE
Invalid iterator usageINVALID_ITERATOR_USAGE
Invalid scientific notation formatINVALID_NOTATION_ON_E_CONSTANT
Invalid use of == operator BAD_EQUAL_EQUAL_USE
Invalid use of = operator BAD_EQUAL_USE
Invalid use of standard library floating point routine FLOAT_STD_LIB
Invalid use of standard library integer routine INT_STD_LIB
Invalid use of standard library memory routine MEM_STD_LIB
Invalid use of standard library routine OTHER_STD_LIB
Invalid use of standard library string routine STR_STD_LIB
Invalid va_list argument INVALID_VA_LIST_ARG
Join or detach of a joined or detached threadDOUBLE_JOIN_OR_DETACH
Lambda used as typeid operandLAMBDA_TYPE_MISUSE
Library loaded from externally controlled path TAINTED_PATH_LIB
Line with more than one statement MORE_THAN_ONE_STATEMENT
Load of library from a relative path can be controlled by an external actor RELATIVE_PATH_LIB
Loop bounded with tainted value TAINTED_LOOP_BOUNDARY
Macro terminated with a semicolonSEMICOLON_TERMINATED_MACRO
Macro with multiple statementsMULTI_STMT_MACRO
Member not initialized in constructor NON_INIT_MEMBER
Memory allocation with tainted size TAINTED_MEMORY_ALLOC_SIZE
Memory comparison of float-point values MEMCMP_FLOAT
Memory comparison of padding data MEMCMP_PADDING_DATA
Memory comparison of strings MEMCMP_STRINGS
Memory leak MEM_LEAK
Method not constMETHOD_NOT_CONST
Mismatch between data length and size DATA_LENGTH_MISMATCH
Mismatched alloc/dealloc functions on WindowsWIN_MISMATCH_DEALLOC
Missing blinding for RSA algorithm CRYPTO_RSA_NO_BLINDING
Missing block cipher initialization vector CRYPTO_CIPHER_NO_IV
Missing break of switch case MISSING_SWITCH_BREAK
Missing byte reordering when transferring dataMISSING_BYTESWAP
Missing call to container's reserve methodMISSING_CONTAINER_RESERVE
Missing case for switch condition MISSING_SWITCH_CASE
Missing certification authority listCRYPTO_SSL_NO_CA
Missing cipher algorithm CRYPTO_CIPHER_NO_ALGORITHM
Missing cipher data to process CRYPTO_CIPHER_NO_DATA
Missing cipher final step CRYPTO_CIPHER_NO_FINAL
Missing cipher key CRYPTO_CIPHER_NO_KEY
Missing constexpr specifierMISSING_CONSTEXPR
Missing data for encryption, decryption or signing operation CRYPTO_PKEY_NO_DATA
Missing explicit keyword MISSING_EXPLICIT_KEYWORD
Missing final step after hashing update operationCRYPTO_MD_NO_FINAL
Missing hash algorithmCRYPTO_MD_NO_ALGORITHM
Missing lock BAD_UNLOCK
Missing null in string array MISSING_NULL_CHAR
Missing or double initialization of thread attributeBAD_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE
Missing overload of allocation or deallocation functionMISSING_OVERLOAD_NEW_DELETE_PAIR
Missing padding for RSA algorithm CRYPTO_RSA_NO_PADDING
Missing parameters for key generation CRYPTO_PKEY_NO_PARAMS
Missing peer key CRYPTO_PKEY_NO_PEER
Missing private key CRYPTO_PKEY_NO_PRIVATE_KEY
Missing private key for X.509 certificateCRYPTO_SSL_NO_PRIVATE_KEY
Missing public key CRYPTO_PKEY_NO_PUBLIC_KEY
Missing reset of a freed pointer MISSING_FREED_PTR_RESET
Missing return statement MISSING_RETURN
Missing salt for hashing operationCRYPTO_MD_NO_SALT
Missing unlock BAD_LOCK
Missing virtual inheritance MISSING_VIRTUAL_INHERITANCE
Missing X.509 certificateCRYPTO_SSL_NO_CERTIFICATE
Misuse of errno ERRNO_MISUSE
Misuse of errno in a signal handler SIG_HANDLER_ERRNO_MISUSE
Misuse of narrow or wide character stringNARROW_WIDE_STR_MISUSE
Misuse of readlink() READLINK_MISUSE
Misuse of return value from nonreentrant standard function NON_REENTRANT_STD_RETURN
Misuse of sign-extended character value CHARACTER_MISUSE
Misuse of structure with flexible array memberFLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER_STRUCT_MISUSE
Modification of internal buffer returned from nonreentrant standard function WRITE_INTERNAL_BUFFER_RETURNED_FROM_STD_FUNC
Move operation on const objectMOVE_CONST_OBJECT
Move operation uses copyMOVE_OPERATION_USES_COPY
Multiple mutexes used with same condition variableMULTI_MUTEX_WITH_ONE_COND_VAR
Multiple threads waiting on same condition variableSIGNALED_COND_VAR_NOT_UNIQUE
No data added into contextCRYPTO_MD_NO_DATA
Noexcept function exits with exceptionNOEXCEPT_FUNCTION_THROWS
Non-compliance with AUTOSAR specificationautosar_lib_non_compliance
Non-initialized pointer NON_INIT_PTR
Non-initialized variable NON_INIT_VAR
Nonsecure hash algorithm CRYPTO_MD_WEAK_HASH
Nonsecure parameters for key generation CRYPTO_PKEY_WEAK_PARAMS
Nonsecure RSA public exponent CRYPTO_RSA_LOW_EXPONENT
Null pointer NULL_PTR
Object slicing OBJECT_SLICING
Opening previously opened resource DOUBLE_RESOURCE_OPEN
Operator new not overloaded for possibly overaligned classMISSING_OVERLOAD_NEW_FOR_ALIGNED_OBJ
Overlapping assignment OVERLAPPING_ASSIGN
Partially accessed array PARTIALLY_ACCESSED_ARRAY
Partial override of overloaded virtual functions PARTIAL_OVERRIDE
Partially duplicated codeALMOST_DUPLICATED_CODE
Plain text password stored in file systemPLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD_IN_FILESYSTEM
Pointer access out of bounds OUT_BOUND_PTR
Pointer dereference with tainted offset TAINTED_PTR_OFFSET
Pointer or reference to destroyed temporary objectPOINTER_TO_TEMPORARY_OBJECT
Pointer or reference to stack variable leaving scope LOCAL_ADDR_ESCAPE
Pointer to non-initialized value converted to const pointer NON_INIT_PTR_CONV
Possible copy-paste errorCOPY_PASTE_ERROR
Possible invalid operation on boolean operandINVALID_OPERATION_ON_BOOLEAN
Possible misuse of sizeof SIZEOF_MISUSE
Possibly inappropriate data type for switch expressionINAPPROPRIATE_TYPE_IN_SWITCH
Possibly unintended evaluation of expression because of operator precedence rules OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE
Precision loss in integer to float conversionINT_TO_FLOAT_PRECISION_LOSS
Predefined macro used as an object MACRO_USED_AS_OBJECT
Predictable block cipher initialization vector CRYPTO_CIPHER_PREDICTABLE_IV
Predictable random output from predictable seed RAND_SEED_PREDICTABLE
Preprocessor directive in macro argument PRE_DIRECTIVE_MACRO_ARG
Privilege drop not verified MISSING_PRIVILEGE_DROP_CHECK
Public static field is not constPUBLIC_STATIC_FIELD_NOT_CONST
Qualifier removed in conversion QUALIFIER_MISMATCH
Redundant expression in sizeof operandSIZEOF_USELESS_OP
Reference to un-named temporaryLOCAL_REF_TO_UNNAMED_TEMPORARY
Resource injectionRESOURCE_INJECTION
Resource leak RESOURCE_LEAK
Returned value of a sensitive function not checked RETURN_NOT_CHECKED
Return from computational exception signal handlerSIG_HANDLER_COMP_EXCP_RETURN
Return of non const handle to encapsulated data member BREAKING_DATA_ENCAPSULATION
Right operand of shift operation outside allowed bounds SHIFT_OVFL
Self assignment not tested in operator MISSING_SELF_ASSIGN_TEST
Semicolon on same line as if, for or while statementSEMICOLON_CTRL_STMT_SAME_LINE
Sensitive data printed out SENSITIVE_DATA_PRINT
Sensitive heap memory not cleared before release SENSITIVE_HEAP_NOT_CLEARED
Server certificate common name not checkedCRYPTO_SSL_HOSTNAME_NOT_CHECKED
Shared data access within signal handlerSIG_HANDLER_SHARED_OBJECT
Shift of a negative value SHIFT_NEG
Side effect in arguments to unsafe macroSIDE_EFFECT_IN_UNSAFE_MACRO_ARG
Side effect of expression ignored SIDE_EFFECT_IGNORED
Signal call from within signal handlerSIG_HANDLER_CALLING_SIGNAL
Signal call in multithreaded programSIGNAL_USE_IN_MULTITHREADED_PROGRAM
Sign change integer conversion overflow SIGN_CHANGE
Standard function call with incorrect arguments STD_FUNC_ARG_MISMATCH
Static uncalled function UNCALLED_FUNC
std::endl may cause an unnecessary flushSTD_ENDL_USE
std::move called on an unmovable typeSTD_MOVE_UNMOVABLE_TYPE
std::string_view initialized with dangling pointerDANGLING_STRING_VIEW
Stream argument with possibly unintended side effects STREAM_WITH_SIDE_EFFECT
Subtraction or comparison between pointers to different arraysPTR_TO_DIFF_ARRAY
Tainted division operand TAINTED_INT_DIVISION
Tainted modulo operand TAINTED_INT_MOD
Tainted NULL or non-null-terminated string TAINTED_STRING
Tainted sign change conversion TAINTED_SIGN_CHANGE
Tainted size of variable length array TAINTED_VLA_SIZE
Tainted source used with sensitive functionTAINTED_SOURCE_USE_CUSTOM
Tainted string format TAINTED_STRING_FORMAT
Thread-specific memory leakTHREAD_MEM_LEAK
Throw argument expression calls newTHROW_EXPRESSION_CALLS_NEW
Throw argument raises unexpected exceptionTHROW_ARGUMENT_EXPRESSION_THROWS
TLS/SSL connection method not setCRYPTO_SSL_NO_ROLE
TLS/SSL connection method set incorrectlyCRYPTO_SSL_BAD_ROLE
Too many va_arg calls for current argument list TOO_MANY_VA_ARG_CALLS
Typedef mismatch TYPEDEF_MISMATCH
Umask used with chmod-style arguments BAD_UMASK
Uncaught exceptionUNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
Uncaught exceptionUNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
Uncertain memory cleaningUNCERTAIN_MEMORY_CLEANING
Uncleared sensitive data in stack SENSITIVE_STACK_NOT_CLEARED
Universal character name from token concatenation PRE_UCNAME_JOIN_TOKENS
Unmodified variable not const-qualifiedUNMODIFIED_VAR_NOT_CONST
Unnamed namespace in header fileUNNAMED_NAMESPACE_IN_HEADER
Unnecessary construction before reassignmentUNNECESSARY_CONSTRUCTION_BEFORE_ASSIGNMENT
Unnecessary implementation of a special member functionUNNECESSARY_IMPL_OF_SPECIAL_MEMBER_FUNCTION
Unnecessary reference to parameterEXPENSIVE_PASS_BY_REFERENCE
Unnecessary use of std::string::c_str() or equivalent string methodsEXPENSIVE_C_STR_STD_STRING_CONSTRUCTION
Unprotected dynamic memory allocation UNPROTECTED_MEMORY_ALLOCATION
Unreachable code UNREACHABLE
Unreliable cast of function pointer FUNC_CAST
Unreliable cast of pointer PTR_CAST
Unsafe call to a system functionUNSAFE_SYSTEM_CALL
Unsafe conversion between pointer and integer BAD_INT_PTR_CAST
Unsafe conversion from string to numerical value UNSAFE_STR_TO_NUMERIC
Unsafe standard encryption function UNSAFE_STD_CRYPT
Unsafe standard function UNSAFE_STD_FUNC
Unsigned integer constant overflowUINT_CONSTANT_OVFL
Unsigned integer conversion overflow UINT_CONV_OVFL
Unsigned integer overflow UINT_OVFL
Unsupported syntax used with test authoring APIPSTUNIT_UNSUPPORTED_SYNTAX
Unused variableUNUSED_VARIABLE
Unused parameter UNUSED_PARAMETER
Useless if USELESS_IF
Useless preprocessor conditional directiveUSELESS_PREPROC_CONDITION
Use of a forbidden C/C++ keywordFORBIDDEN_KEYWORD
Use of a forbidden functionFORBIDDEN_FUNC
Use of a forbidden macroFORBIDDEN_MACRO
Use of automatic variable as putenv-family function argumentPUTENV_AUTO_VAR 
Use of dangerous standard function DANGEROUS_STD_FUNC
Use of externally controlled environment variable TAINTED_ENV_VARIABLE
Use of indeterminate stringINDETERMINATE_STRING
Use of memset with size argument zero MEMSET_INVALID_SIZE
Use of new or make_unique instead of more efficient make_sharedMISSING_MAKE_SHARED
Use of non-secure temporary file NON_SECURE_TEMP_FILE
Use of obsolete standard function OBSOLETE_STD_FUNC
Use of path manipulation function without maximum sized buffer checking PATH_BUFFER_OVERFLOW
Use of plain char type for numerical value BAD_PLAIN_CHAR_USE
Use of previously closed resource CLOSED_RESOURCE_USE
Use of previously freed pointer FREED_PTR
Use of setjmp/longjmp SETJMP_LONGJMP_USE
Use of signal to kill threadTHREAD_KILLED_WITH_SIGNAL
Useless captureUSELESS_CAPTURE
Use of tainted pointerTAINTED_PTR
Use of tainted pointerTAINTED_PTR
Use of undefined thread IDUNDEFINED_THREAD_ID
Variable length array with nonpositive size NON_POSITIVE_VLA_SIZE
Variable shadowing VAR_SHADOWING
Vulnerable path manipulation PATH_TRAVERSAL
Vulnerable permission assignments DANGEROUS_PERMISSIONS
Vulnerable pseudo-random number generator VULNERABLE_PRNG
Weak cipher algorithm CRYPTO_CIPHER_WEAK_CIPHER
Weak padding for RSA algorithm CRYPTO_RSA_WEAK_PADDING
Write without a further read USELESS_WRITE
Writing to const qualified object CONSTANT_OBJECT_WRITE
Writing to read-only resource READ_ONLY_RESOURCE_WRITE
Wrong allocated object size for cast OBJECT_SIZE_MISMATCH
Wrong type used in sizeof PTR_SIZEOF_MISMATCH
X.509 peer certificate not checkedCRYPTO_SSL_CERT_NOT_CHECKED

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